Monday, January 25, 2010

This week in First grade...

What beautiful weather we are having. Don't worry, for all of you cold weather lovers it's coming back on Friday!! Bundle those kiddos up because the high is 47!!!

This week for Principal's Pride...

Hibiki G.
For being a good friend, a great classmate and a smiling, happy student! We will miss you!

I will have a subsitute, Mrs. Lieurance, on Wednesday. My daycare will be closed so I will be spending the day with my sweet girl!

In Reader's Workshop...

We will be learning to synthesize texts this week. I will post a "how to..." next week so that you can practice this reading strategy at home.
Take home readers are packed and ready to come home today. Please send them back each day. The students are working on comprehension strategies and will have three different books each week to read. The books will be on an independant level, instructional level and frustrational level.

In Word Work...
We will be working on Vowel-r syllables or bossy r's. These are syllables where the vowel is controlled by the r and makes an unexpected sound.

Word Work words: church, turn, first, girl, summer, her, were, very, play, walk, stop

Vocabulary words: your, down, friend, who, them

Challenge words: Texas, picture

In Writer's Workshop...
We will be working with our partners on developing ideas for Small Moments stories and getting them down on paper! We will also begin stretching our words to help us spell things more correctly. This is a very difficult skill for first graders so I do not expect them to be spelling every work correctly by the end of the year. The students will be chosing a story to publish at the end of this week and they will be hanging outside our classroom! They are becoming wonderful authors!

In math...
We will be working on learning about coins and counting small amounts of money. We will be dividing the students into groups according to a pre-assessment and the students will go to various 1st grade classroom to work with another teacher and other students.

In Social Studies...
We will begin our Texas unit this week. We will learn all about Texas!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

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