Friday, April 23, 2010

This week in First grade...


TAKS testing - no parents in the building T,W & Th

Early Release- May 5th

Principal's Pride...

Ashmal M.

Ashmal shares his love of Texas sports with us! He is especially proud of his picture with Jordan Shipley. Hook'em Horns!

Elena VM.
Elena is a hard worker! She loves all things science and share facts with her classmates!

In Reader's Workshop...
We are reading and learning about current events with Time for Kids!

In Writer's Workshop...

During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures.

In Word Work...

We are studying contractions this week.

Spelling words: don't, won't, I'm, it's, can't, wasn't, they've, we've

Challenge words: fairy, tale

In Math...

We will begin our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!

In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. We will study the parts of the plant and their functions, this week. We will focus on the Life cycle of plants and compare it to that of an animal.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This week in First grade...

TAKS testing next week- no parents in the building T,W & Th
Early Release- May 5th

Principal's Pride...

Bryce F.
Bryce is an outstanding ball player! He loves to share stories about his games with his classmates! I can't wait to see you in the major leagues!

Dana M.
Dana is a super-duper sweetheart! She loves to help in the classroom and gives extra special triple-hugs every afternoon!

In Reader's Workshop...
We are focusing on Earth day this week. On Thursday we will have a whole day devoted to saving our Earth! We are also reading fun fiction as shared readings this week. We are focusing on character traits. We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes yesterday and discussed how Chrysanthemum loved her name at the beginning of the story but soon changed her feelings.

In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures.

In Word Work...
We are studying compound words this week. Words: bathtub, sunshine, pancake, butterfly, desktop, outside, inside Challenge: cycle, Earth

In Math...
We will continue to discuss probability. We are focusing on the use of vocabulary such as certain, impossible, more likely, less likely. We are also gathering data and independantly making a tally chart and representing our data on a graph.

In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. We will study the parts of the plant and their functions, this week. We will focus on the Life cycle of plants and compare it to that of an animal.

Have a great week! Mrs. Caballero

Friday, April 9, 2010

This week in First grade...


Please return report card folders if you have not already.

We are studying seeds this week in science. Please see the note below about sending a seed/seeds with your child.

Early Release- May 5th

Principal's Pride...

Rebecca W. Rebecca is a helpful student and a thoughtful classmate. She shares her love for animals with all of us!

Ben C.

Ben gives his best effort in everything he does. He is an especially good thinker!!

In Reader's Workshop...
We began working with new groups and are bringing home books that are on our instructional/frustrational levels. Please see the sticky note or book mark for Take home reader assignments.

In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising and editing our work with the help of our partners.

In Word Work...
We are studying compound words this week.

Words: airplane, cupcake, cowboy, jellyfish, tiptoe, backpack, rainbow

Challenge: Plants, root

In Math...
We will continue to discuss probability. We are focusing on the use of vocabulary such as certain, impossible, more likely, less likely.

In Science...

We are beginning our unit on Plants. We will start by learning about seeds. Please send a seed/seeds with your child by Thursday. Please put them in a plastic baggie and label them. Also, have your child brainstorm what kind of seed to bring. I prefer that the students bring a seed/seeds from something you have at home, a fruit, a veggie, from outside (acorn). Be creative!!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Caballero

Monday, April 5, 2010

This week in First grade...

-TAKS for the upper grades is this Tuesday and Wednesday. We will not be able to have parent helpers during those days! Thanks so much for your hard work and we'll see you next week!
-Last chance to get a Birthday Book. If you would like more information please e-mail me!
-Animal Reports are due tomorrow, April 6th.
-Book orders are due Wednesday, April 7th.

Principal's Pride...

Angel S.
Angel has adjusted well to his new first grade class! We're so happy to have him!

Mason H.
Mason is a funny guy! He cracks me up every afternoon as we walk down the hall to the daycare buses!

In Reader's Workshop...
We are studying historical fiction! Today we read Almost to Freedom, a book written from the point of view of a doll as she witnessed injustice. Tomorrow we will read Apples to Oregon, a book about a pioneer family's journey across the plains.

In Writer's workshop..
We got our writing folders ready for our new lessons and the students will have their Small Moments stories in their Monday folders. Please keep in mind these are all rough drafts.

In Word Work...
We are studying verbs!

Spelling words: verb, swimming, running, jumping, playing, walking, strolling, hiking, skating, cooking
Challenge words: Rainforest, Desert

In Math..
We completed our unit assessment on Fractions after a review today. Please remember I keep all of their assessments in a folder that you are always welcome to come and review.

In Science...
We are learning about animals in their habitats! Last week we learned about the Rainforest and this week we will be learning about animals that live in the desert, artic regions, coral reefs and plains.
*Animal projects are due tomorrow! We can't wait to hear what everyone learned!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero