Monday, November 30, 2009

This week in First Grade...

The countdown is on! The students are very excited about all of the fun things we will learn during the next three weeks.

In Reader's workshop this week...
We will begin our Giving Unit and our study of holidays around the world. If you have anything at home that would be interesting to share with the class that has to do with holidays around the world please feel free to send it to school! The students read their take home reader yesterday and packed it up! We will also be switching the reading calendars out today.

In Writer's Workshop this week...

We will be writing stories and focusing on the organization of our thoughts. We practiced drawing our picture plan with three parts, a beginning, a middle and an end. We will continue to write stories, publish them and share them with the class.

In Word Work this week:

Spelling sound: ee

Word work words: seed, tee, free, glee, tree, green

Vocab words: some, good, if, not, good

Challenge words: wreath, giving

In math this week...

We will continue our unit of comparing and ordering numbers. Yesterday we read a holiday story and decided to make a class counting book. Each student got a "secret number" and illustrated their page with that number of items. Today the students will compare each others numbers and put our book in order from least to greatest. We will also begin studying fact families this week! Come by and see our fact families houses later this week.

In Science this week...

We will continue to learn about rocks. We made a RAN chart last week to help us organize our learning. Yesterday we were able to move some of the "Things we think we know" to "Confirmed, We know it!" We even had a few scientists in our class learn new things and put a sticky note up under "New Information". What bright young scientists we have!


Early Release- December 9th

Monday Folders for the month of December: Debbie Siegel

Tuesday Parent: Shelby Soleimani

Science Fair note and form went home on Monday.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This week in First Grade...

Last full week before our Thanksgiving Break! Please remember that while we are all preparing for the holiday feast there are many families in our community who will be in need. We are in the final days of collecting canned foods for our Can Drive and coats as well. The Caraway Legacy of Giving Commitee thanks you in advance for your generoisty to families in our community!
Family Science Night is this Thursday, November 19th! It's a great opportunity to come to school and participate in some fun science activities with your child!

Our Principal's Pride winner and Super Star this week is Kristen K. Thanks for being a great friend to your classmates Kristen! Thank you for always being willing to help others!

This week in Reading workshop...
We will be reading books about the First Thanksgiving! We will also be sharing stories and practicing different comprehension strategies to help us learn more about the Pilgrims, Indians and the great feast that brought about this fun holiday. Take home readers will be in your child's backpack today.

In Writer's Workshop...
We will be finishing our Fables and beginning a new story about a Scarecrow. We will also be writing a fun Turkey acrostic poem and a rebus story about Thanksgiving!

Word work words: (long u) cute, cube, tube, glue, blue, flute
Vocabulary words: have, this, our, make, an
Challenge words: Thanksgiving, Pilgrim

In math...
We will be continuing our unit on comparing and ordering numbers. We will practice this skill in a problem solving context using manipulatives and learning new strategies!

In Science...
We are learning about Rocks! We will discuss the properties of rocks, physical characteristics and where rocks come from!

Have a great week!

Monday, November 9, 2009

This week in First Grade...

From e-mail inbox it looks like it was a rough start to the week for a lot of us!
Just a couple of reminders...
1. Early Release is this Wednesday, November 11th at 12:45pm
2. Send in cans for the canned food drive
3. Please send back your child's report card folder if you have not already

This week in Reading Workshop...
We are reading stories and studying Pilgrims, Indians and the Mayflower. Your child should have brought home their take home reader today. Please send them back on Thursday. We will read and learn all about the early settlers all week and on Friday we'll have our own feast to celebrate our friendships.

In Writer's Workshop...
We are continuing our focus on Organization. We are reading stories that other author's wrote to compare how they sequenced their story with a beginning, middle and end. We will continue to write stories, publish them and share them with our class.

Our Word work focus this week is learning words with the long o sound.
Spelling words: (words will be posted on Tuesday)
Vocab words:
Challenge words:
In math...
We wrapped up our unit on Number Sense. Now we will move on to a unit specifically on Comparing Whole Numbers by place value and other attributes of comparing numbers. This unit will last 4 weeks. There were two pages, a worksheet 10-1 and a topic sheet 10-3, for optional homework. These two pages will help reinforce what your child has learned and is learning about place value.

In Science...
We began our unit on Rocks today. The students observed 5 different kinds of rocks and thought about their properties as they recorded some information about the rocks in their Science Notebook. This unit will last 3 weeks.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This week in First Grade...

I hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend! We had the best day on Friday with all of our Halloween activities and they enjoyed the day! This morning we shared our weekend festivities in Community Circle. This is a time when we sit down in the morning and everyone gets to say a few things about what they did over the weekend. It was fun to hear what everyone dressed up as today!

Report cards are going home today, November 2nd, in the Monday folders. Please read through the green information sheets that accompany the report card and reference it before looking at the grades on the report card. There are a couple of items we'd like to point out before reviewing them.
1. First grade goes by curriculum that is on a continuum. Meaning, under one section, there are several concepts that need to be covered in order to be considered mastery. Therefore, what you see as a 1 or 2 is not a negative grade. It simply means that we have only introduced parts of this concept, so it is done with direct guidance.
2. The grades 1, 2, 3, 4 do not correlate with what we know as A, B, C, D, F.
3. As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to call me during my planning time (12:45-1:35) or e-mail. Because our morning is consumed with getting your child’s day properly started, we are not able to address any questions at that time. However, we're always willing to discuss any matters during our conference period. Please remember that with the first report card many concepts are just being introduced, therefore mastery 3s and 4s are not usually given until the third and fourth nine weeks based on the Aligned Round Rock Curriculum. A "2" on the report card means that your child is exhibiting skill/concept with minimal guidance. Also means they are making progress toward mastery of grade level expectations at an appropriate rate.
I am very pleased with my students and the hard work ethic they put forth into their daily work. That has a large part to do with you and the expectations and support your child receives at home.

This week in Reading workshop...
We will be learning about leaves! We have some great fictional stories to read as well as Native American Folklore! We will be reading from different genres to help us gather information about leaves, why they change and why they fall this time of year!
November reading calendars will be in your child purple folder tomorrow (Tuesday) along with a November reading log. There will be four weekly November reading logs in your child's folder for you to use this month!

In Writer's Workshop...
We are working on publishing our "Three Little" stories! We read different versions of the three little pigs and came up with our own version in our Writer's Notebooks! I am publishing them on the computer and each student will get a turn in the Author's Chair where they will read their story to the class and then bring it home to share with you!

Work Work words: (long i sound) like, five, ride, nine, time, bike
Vocab words: of, has, want, little, for
Challenge words: properties, scarecrow

In Math...
We are continuing our unit on Number Sense. This week we will be focusing on place value, tens and ones. We will also be solving problems using our new skills. Just FYI...your child's assessments for math are kept here at school in an assessment folder. If you would like to view the results please let me know and we can set up a time for you to come in.

In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Properties. Today we did an activity on sorting items by their properties. One group sorted buttons by the number of holes! After each group sorted their items they drew a picture of how they sorted them in their Science Notebooks.

Have a great week!

P.S. Next Wednesday, November 11th is an Early Release Day!