Monday, January 11, 2010

This week in First grade...

It's cold outside!! Brr! Please send your child in clothing that covers their arms and legs while it is chilly. We will still go outside unless it is below 32 degrees.

Report cards will go home today!

Last week we completed our unit on the Chinese New Year celebration. The students did a wonderful job of making our Chinese dragon. When it came time for our dragon parade on Friday they were so excited. I am using this lesson/unit for a National Board Entry that deals with Social Studies and the Arts. We videotaped a short portion of the dragon dance and as soon as I get it converted to a digital format I will post it on the website. I was so proud of the students and their hard work!

In Reader's workshop...
There will be no take home readers this week. I will be completing assessments and evaluating all of the students progress so far this year. After assessments are complete I will send home a progress report updating you on how your child is doing.
We will continue learning about biographies and the people they are about. Today we learned about Harriet Tubman and why she was a brave woman.

In Writer's Workshop...
We will continue our work on writing "small moments" stories. I've been modeling what a small moments story looks and sounds like each day.

In Spelling...
We began an assessment to identify levels of spelling abilities. The students were given a short spelling test to assess their knowledge of phonemes (individual sounds) and how they go together to make words. After the assessments are complete we will begin a program called Words Their Way. This program is designed to be used with students who are leveled into flexible groups to work on spelling through games and interactive lessons. They will begin at a level that will challenge them as individuals so that they can progress throughout the year.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

In Math...
We will continue to learn about shapes and their attributes. Today we are making a shape poster to advertise a shape by drawing a picture of it and describing it. We made a list last week of 2D and 3D shapes to have up in our room as we learn about them.

In Social Studies...
We will be wrapping up our unit on Economics. This week we will talk about how to earn money and businesses.

Stay warm!
Mrs. Caballero

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