Monday, August 30, 2010

This week in First Grade...

August 30th- September 3rd

- Bring a healthy snack every day! *We do not have any severe peanut allergies in our class! Peanut butter and nuts are OK!
- PE is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- PLEASE sign up outside the classroom or through email to help volunteer. The kids love seeing you during the day, and it is such a big help for me, too. You can even help out from home! There is still a lot up for grabs!
Holly Harris was the August Monday Folder Stuffer, I am in need of someone to volunteer for September. Robin Pooler has volunteered to be a Tuesday Parent. Thanks Ladies!!!!
-No school Sept. 6th!
-Parent Orientation-Sept. 7th 6:30-7:00 followed by a PTA meeting 7:00-7:30.

In Language Arts...

For Reading workshop this week we are working on making our Nursery Rhyme book! We've been reading a different Nursery Rhyme each day and visualizing a picture in our heads as we listen to the words. We can't wait for everyone to see our books once they are done!

For Writer's Workshop we have learned about our materials and what writer's need to be successful. On Monday we will begin our very first, official, Writer's Workshop! We will be working on our unit, Launching Writer's Workshop, for the first six weeks of school! The folders, with your child's work for this unit, will stay here at school until the unit has been completed.

For Spelling we are learning about the short vowel a. In my classroom we use a program called Scientific Spelling. We learn a rule for the words we will practice spelling. The rules help children develop their spelling and reading abilities. We will have a Spelling test, including the sight word vocabulary, on Friday! At Parent Orientation we will discuss ways to practice spelling words at home!

Spelling words: an, at, can, had, man
The "a" sound in initial or medial (beginning or middle) position is spelled a as in apple.

Sight word vocabulary words: the, am, and, a, to

In Math we are working on creating and analyzing graphs. Last week we made a class graph of how we go home! It is hanging on our classroom door. This week we will be graphing different things like our favorite colors and favorite foods. We will begin our unit on telling time on Thursday by reading The Grouchy Ladybug.

In Social Studies we are learning about Citizenship and how communities work. We will practice being a good citizen in our classroom community. We will also learn about community helpers and leaders!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Caballero

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First week 2010-2011

Wow, what a great couple days we've had together! I've learned so much about each of my precious students so far and I'm excited to get to know them better throughout the year!

This week we've learned...

Our morning procedures and afternoon (dismissal) procedures.
Our classroom expectations.
Our school expectations.
How to always do our personal best!

We've practiced...

Writing about our experiences and our family!
Reading skills together!
Solving math problems!
Mental math strategies!

Each week I will write a newsletter that will be posted on this blog. The newsletter will include important information about our classroom, what we are learning and news from around the Caraway Community. Don't forget to check the blog every Monday for an update on what the Cowpokes are learning!!

Have a great weekend!!

Mrs. Caballero

P.S. If you have not designated a spot to meet your child after school please keep in mind that first grade will be walking outside, unless the weather is bad. We will exit the doors by my classroom, heading out to the flagpole side of the school. If you park and pick your child up or you walk home please consider meeting your child at the picnic tables on the flagpole side of the school! Also, when you have decided on a place to meet please e-mail me and let me know!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Starting a new year...2010-2011

HELLO First grade!!!!

Wow, I really can't believe how fast the summer went! I'm sure most of you parents out there are's been too long!! As a teacher, summer is never long enough. As a parent, I've enjoyed my summer with my daughter but I'm ready to get back into a routine.

The most important thing for your first grader this year is to get into a routine! The routine might consist of getting up around the same time each morning, getting dressed independently, having a healthy breakfast and heading off to school. When your child is at school he/she will have a very consistant routine that is predictable and stable. I encourage you to have a solid evening routine as well. This helps with bedtime issues and allows your child to get much needed rest! Have a time set aside for reading. Your child reading to you and you reading to your child. At my house we do this right before bed! Having time set aside for outside play and maybe even a little TV time will help your child get that energy out and rest their body!

Meet the Teacher will be Friday, August 20th at 8:30am-10:00am. If you purchased school supplies from the PTA they will be sitting on your child's desk. If you purchased them on your own please bring them that day. The only thing you will need to label with your child's name will be his/her pencil box.

See you on the first day of school, Tuesday, August 24th!

Mrs. Caballero