Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This week in First Grade...

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a nice break and relaxed! I know everyone at my house sure did! Yesterday we got a new student! Welcome Xavier! We're so excited to have you in our class!

Science Fair forms are due Jan 11th

This week in Reader's Workshop...
We are reading and learning about the Chinese New Year! On Thursday we are going to make our own Chinese Dragon and dance him around 1st grade at the end of the day on Friday. The students are so excited to learn about different cultures and take part in some of their traditions.
We will also be reading about famous people and learning about biographies for the next two weeks. Today we started by discussing Abraham Lincoln.

This week in Word Work...
We are learning about tricky vowels. The saying is. "When two vowels go a walkin' the first one does the talkin' ". It's cute and helps them remember how to spell words with vowel pairs.
Word Work words: float, boat, coat, throat, cloak
Vocabulary words: boy, could, here, red, old
Challenge words: biography, service

In Writer's Workshop...
We have started to think about stretching small moments. We read a few excerpts from A Chair for my Mother by Vera B. Williams. We really listened to how she added a lot of details to help the reader visualize what was going on. We practiced by first verbally rehearsing with a partner to put our stories into words then by writing our words with a lot of detail and drawing a picture plan to help us pick details out.

In Math...
We began our unit on two dimensional and three dimensional shapes. We will learn about the attributes of the shapes and that you can put shapes together to make new shapes.

In Social Studies...
We began our unit on Economics. We will first discuss wants versus needs then we we learn about good and services and how to tell the difference between the two.

Have a warm week!
Mrs. Caballero

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