Sunday, October 29, 2017

The week of October 30th in First grade...

It was so wonderful to see a few of you at the Sock Hop on Friday night! Everyone had a wonderful time!  Big thanks go out to our PTA for organizing such a fun event!

This will be my last week with the students.  Baby Lucy is set to arrive on Tuesday, November 7th.  I will send updates if the need arises! I am planning to return late January/Early February.  I know our class will be well taken care of with Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Shiny! 

This week...
Monday (10/30): Homework bags come home.  No book just a reading passage.
                        Daily folder comes home.  Return daily!
Tuesday (10/31): No Library this week
                         Halloween- No costumes at school please.
Wednesday (11/01): 4th and 5th grade choir concert at Westwood
Thursday (11/02): 
 Friday (11/03): Caraway Academy 7:55am-8:55am
                       Homework bags due
This week in Reading and Writing Workshop...
We will continue our learning about nonfiction text.  We know Readers read to learn! Writers can also write to teach readers something they know a lot about!  We will examine the features of nonfiction and create a list of ways readers use these features.  We will finish our class books about Bats this week.  We will read nonfiction books about Pumpkins this week, and we will write facts we have learn as we read. 

This week in Math workshop...
This week (Monday and Tuesday) we are going to do a fun graphing activity.  If a few families could donate a bag of candy (either one kind of candy or a bag with different kinds) that would be fantastic.  We are going to do some real life learning with candy! Thanks in advance!
We will also start learning about Subtraction and Doubles.  We will explore what subtraction means by acting out subtraction stories and using manipulatives.  Also in this unit, the students will begin thinking about how addition and subtraction are connected.

This week in Science...
We will be exploring patterns of movement!  The students always love this unit!  We will learn all about the many different ways objects can move.  We will demonstrate, observe and record as we learn.

This week in Social Studies...
We will learn about culture.  We will discuss the many diverse cultures that are represented in our classroom.  We will also discuss family traditions and customs from these different cultures.
A project will come home in the Tuesday folder this week.  The students will have reading homework this week but not the next two weeks in order to complete their project.  Feel free to have your child practice reading with RAZ Kids and math with iXL at home.  These are great resources for practice at home!

Our Life Skill of the week is Responsibility! Responsibility is knowing when it is appropriate to respond, taking care of your obligations, and holding yourself accountable for your own actions. 

That's all for now! Have a great week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 31st- Report Cards go home
Nov. 10th- Pilgrim Dolls due
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 15th- Field Trip to the Thinkery (more info to come later!)
Dec 21st- Last day of classes
Dec 22-Jan 8th- Winter break
Jan 9th- Students return to School

Sunday, October 22, 2017

The week of October 23 in First grade...

This week in First grade...

Wow! I can hardly believe October is almost over! Last week we learned about Diwali! We hope your celebrations and time with family was wonderful as you celebrated! The boys and girls loved sharing information about what you were doing at home to celebrate!

Thank you for the beautiful Baby Shower! I hope everyone was able to see some of the pictures I posted on Bloomz! The students were so excited! My girls loved helping me put all of Lucy's new things away this weekend! We are excited for Baby Lucy's arrival which is scheduled for November 7th.  My last official day with the students will be Friday, November 3rd.  My plan is to return around the beginning of February if not a little earlier. Mrs. Jackson or I will keep you posted on my official return date.

This week...
Red Ribbon week!
Monday (10/23): Wear RED for Red Ribbon week!
                            Reading Bags will come home with one book and one reading activity.  I will email
                            the Tic Tac Toe homework.
Tuesday (10/24): Eat a Healthy Breakfast and Bring a Healthy Snack!
Wednesday (10/25): Wear ORANGE for Unity Day!
                                 No Library Check-out due to our Author Visit!
                                 Mrs. Jackson will be with us learning about our day.
Thursday (10/26): Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey!
Friday (10/27): Wear your Caraway t-shirt!
                         Caraway Academy 7:55am-8:55am
                         Sock Hop! School Dance 6pm

This week in Reading and Writing Workshop...
We will continue our learning about nonfiction text.  We know Readers read to learn! Writers can also write to teach readers something they know a lot about!  We will examine the features of nonfiction and create a list of ways readers use these features.  We will discuss the purpose behind why readers read LEARN!  We will continue our learning, reading and writing about Bats! We already knew a lot about this topic!

This week in Math workshop...
We will begin learning about telling time to the hour! We will practice telling time on an analog clock.  We will discuss the hands of the clock and what the numbers mean.  Then we will match the time on an analog clock to the number time on a digital clock. 

Next week (Monday and Tuesday) we are going to do a fun graphing activity.  If a few families could donate a bag of candy (either one kind of candy or a bag with different kinds) that would be fantastic.  We are going to do some real life learning with candy! Thanks in advance! *we will not be eating the candy at school but I will send it home!

This week in Science...
We will be exploring magnets! We will learn all about how they attract and repel objects.  We will have many hands on opportunities to explore this fun unit!

This week in Social Studies...
We will learn how technology has changed through time.  We will talk about ways we use technology today!

Our Life Skill of the week is Patience! Patience is the ability to wait calmly for someone or something.  This is a great Life Skill for Mrs. Caballero this week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week
Oct 31st- Report Cards go home
November 3rd- Mrs. C's last day unless Lucy comes earlier!
November 6th- Mrs. Jackson's first day
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday

Sunday, October 15, 2017

This week in First grade...

 Thank you to everyone who purchased a 1st Grade t-shirt for your child.  Many of you gave extra money, and due to this generosity, we have plenty of money to pay for transportation for our field trip in the spring!  

Please leave everything in the homework bag when it is returned on Friday morning.  It makes changing everything out much easier.  Thank you!

Monday (10/16):  Daily folders come home.  Return them daily.
                       Homework bags come home.  Return on Friday.
Tuesday (10/17):  Tuesday folders come home.  Return on Wednesday.
Wednesday (10/18): Library Lesson this week. No check out!                                
Thursday (10/19):  International Night @ 6 pm.
Friday (10/20): Caraway Academies- 7:55 am.
                       Homework bags due.
                       Skate Night @ 6 pm.

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin learning about and reading Nonfiction texts.  In this unit, students will learn about the different nonfiction text features and they will explore different types of expository and procedural texts in print and in digital format. We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.
You can help your child at home by having them read to you or to themselves for 10 minutes per night and by reading to them.  This can be a very rewarding part of yours and your child's day.  Ask them to recall events from the story and to talk about the characters' feelings and actions.  If they are reading a nonfiction book, ask them to give you 3 facts from the book.  Work on the 1st Grade sight word list.  You can find this list in the Homework bag.

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will begin thinking like experts!  In this unit, we will learn that sometimes authors want to teach their reader about a topic.  The students will think about what they are an expert at, and they will write brief pieces that include facts about their topic.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our writing so that it makes sense to the reader.  We will discuss how expository writing does not have a beginning, middle and end, but that the facts we write still need to be organized in a way that makes it easy to read and understand.  Students will continue working on using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun 'I'.  Students will also continue to think about when they should use end punctuation. In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks. On Friday, we will reflect on our time in our Academy and then write about it.

This week in Math...
We will continue our unit on Length, Measurement & Time.  We will continue to discuss what we could use to measure different objects and the proper way to measure them.  We will use different non-standard units (cubes, paperclips, crayons, popsicle sticks) to measure objects in the classroom.  We will discuss all of the different ways you can measure an object, such as its length, width, height, and weight.  This week, we will also begin learning about time to the hour using an analog and digital clock.  We will learn the different features of an analog clock as well.  
You can help your child at home by letting them measure objects around the house.  Let them use spoons, beans, pennies or toothpicks!  Let them read the time for you.  Talk about what time it is when your family does important daily tasks (eat dinner, bath time, brush teeth, bedtime).  They will have so much fun!

This week in Social Studies...
 We will continue learning about how technology and inventions have changed our lives and communities.  We will think about how technology has changed families, communication, transportation, and work.  We will also learn about how different historical figures have helped to shape our community, state and nation. 

This week in Science...
We will continue learning about different forms of energy.  The students have learned that there are 3 different forms of energy (heat, light & sound).  This week, we will identify a variety of sources of heat, light and sound in the classroom and around the school.  We will record our findings and observations in our science notebook.
I hope you enjoyed the photographs of the boys and girls on their Energy Scavenger Hunt! 

Thank you to everyone who has sent in headphones. 
This week, we will use the iPads to read expository texts in order to gain information about a topic.  We will use websites such as PebbleGo and Brain Pop Jr.    

This week’s Life Skill is Problem Solving! We will think about how we can create solutions for difficult situations and everyday problems.  We have already started talking about this during our Tribe time.  We have talked about how you can stand up for yourself in a kind way.  We will discuss different options we can use to solve our problems. Our Tribe Circle will focus on how we have been problem solvers throughout the week!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 19th- International Night
Oct 20th- Skate Night @ 6 pm
Oct 25th- K-2 Author Visit and Mrs. Jackson will come and learn about our day
Oct 27th- Sock Hop (School dance) @ 6 pm
Oct 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week
Oct 31st- Report Cards go home
November 13th- Mrs. C's last day unless Lucy comes earlier!
November 14th Mrs. Jackson's first day
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This week in First grade...

Thank you for everyone who came in for a conference! I know it's hard to find time but I appreciate your willingness to work with me and my schedule! It helps me get to know your child better just from our short conversation together! 

To keep everyone in the Loop...Baby Caballero (Lucy) is due to arrive by scheduled c-section on Tuesday, November 14th.  My plan is to teach until the day before she arrives.  With that being said, the 14th would be 39 weeks 6 days for me.  Both of my other children came before 38 weeks.  Mrs. Jackson is prepared to come as early as October 23rd.  Our plan is to have her come and spend some time with us getting to know our routines before I leave.  I will keep you posted on the latest developments and when I plan to be out and when I will be back! It all depends on what this little lady wants to do!  I have started to prepare the boys and girls for this transition. 

Thank you to everyone who purchased a 1st Grade t-shirt for your child. 

Picture Day:  School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 11.  If you are going to purchase your child’s photos, please make sure to send the envelope (with payment) back to school by Wednesday morning!

Please leave everything in the homework bag when it is returned on Friday morning.  It makes changing everything out much easier.  Thank you!

Monday (10/9):  Parent Conferences- No School for Students
Tuesday (10/10):  No School
Wednesday (10/11): School Pictures
                            Library- Check out Only. Please help your child remember to bring their books back! 
                            Daily folders come home.  Remember to send them back every day!
                           No Homework!  Just read for 10 minutes!
Thursday (10/12):  Read for 10 minutes!
Friday (10/13):  Caraway Academies- 7:55 am

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will continue working on our small moment stories.  We will discuss how writers narrow their topic down to make our stories more interesting.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our stories so that it makes sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun 'I'.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.  In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks. 

This week in Math...
We will begin a new unit on Length, Measurement & Time.  In this unit, we will discuss what we could use to measure different objects and the proper way to measure them.  We will use different non-standard units (cubes, paperclips, crayons, popsicle sticks) to measure objects in the classroom.  We will discuss all of the different ways you can measure an object, such as its length, width, height, and weight.   
You can help your child at home by letting them measure objects around the house.  Let them use spoons, beans, pennies or toothpicks!  They will have so much fun!

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will continue thinking about different elements of fiction.  We will discuss the plot, setting and characters in a fiction story.  The students will learn that making predictions can help them to understand the story better.  When we make predictions as we read, we have to stop and think about what is happening in the story and what the characters are doing, saying and feeling.  This allows the reader to become more connected with the story and characters in order to gain a better understanding.  We will continue to respond orally during partner reading, and will continue to build stamina during independent reading time.  We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.
You can help your child at home by having them read to you or to themselves for 10-15 minutes per night and by reading to them.  This can be a very rewarding part of yours and your child's day.  Ask them to recall events from the story and to talk about the characters' feelings and actions.  Work on the 1st Grade sight word list.  It was sent home with the reading homework last week!  

This week in Social Studies...
 We will begin learning about how technology and inventions have changed our lives and communities.  We will think about how technology has changed families, communication, transportation, and work.  We will also learn about how different historical figures have helped to shape our community, state and nation.

This week in Science...
We will learn about different forms of energy.  The students will learn that there are 3 different forms of energy (heat, light & sound).  We will identify a variety of sources of heat, light and sound in the classroom and around the school.  We will record our findings and observations in our science notebook.

If every student could bring in a set of headphones to keep in the classroom, it would help out so much. It gets pretty loud when we all have the sound on.  Please make sure the headphones are not the small ear buds.  They do not properly fit in the kiddos’ ears and they fall out frequently causing a lot of frustration for the kiddo.  Thank you so much!  

This week’s Life Skill is Organization! We will think about how we can plan and implement that plan in an orderly way, and how we can keep ourselves organized so we are ready for any situation.  Our Tribe Circle will focus on how we have been organized throughout the week!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 9th- No school for students -Parent Teacher conferences
Oct 10th- No school for students
Oct 11th- School Pictures
Oct 19th- International Night
Oct 20th- Skate Night @ 6 pm
Oct 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday