Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This week in First grade...

Thank you for everyone who came in for a conference! I know it's hard to find time but I appreciate your willingness to work with me and my schedule! It helps me get to know your child better just from our short conversation together! 

To keep everyone in the Loop...Baby Caballero (Lucy) is due to arrive by scheduled c-section on Tuesday, November 14th.  My plan is to teach until the day before she arrives.  With that being said, the 14th would be 39 weeks 6 days for me.  Both of my other children came before 38 weeks.  Mrs. Jackson is prepared to come as early as October 23rd.  Our plan is to have her come and spend some time with us getting to know our routines before I leave.  I will keep you posted on the latest developments and when I plan to be out and when I will be back! It all depends on what this little lady wants to do!  I have started to prepare the boys and girls for this transition. 

Thank you to everyone who purchased a 1st Grade t-shirt for your child. 

Picture Day:  School pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 11.  If you are going to purchase your child’s photos, please make sure to send the envelope (with payment) back to school by Wednesday morning!

Please leave everything in the homework bag when it is returned on Friday morning.  It makes changing everything out much easier.  Thank you!

Monday (10/9):  Parent Conferences- No School for Students
Tuesday (10/10):  No School
Wednesday (10/11): School Pictures
                            Library- Check out Only. Please help your child remember to bring their books back! 
                            Daily folders come home.  Remember to send them back every day!
                           No Homework!  Just read for 10 minutes!
Thursday (10/12):  Read for 10 minutes!
Friday (10/13):  Caraway Academies- 7:55 am

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will continue working on our small moment stories.  We will discuss how writers narrow their topic down to make our stories more interesting.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our stories so that it makes sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun 'I'.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.  In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks. 

This week in Math...
We will begin a new unit on Length, Measurement & Time.  In this unit, we will discuss what we could use to measure different objects and the proper way to measure them.  We will use different non-standard units (cubes, paperclips, crayons, popsicle sticks) to measure objects in the classroom.  We will discuss all of the different ways you can measure an object, such as its length, width, height, and weight.   
You can help your child at home by letting them measure objects around the house.  Let them use spoons, beans, pennies or toothpicks!  They will have so much fun!

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will continue thinking about different elements of fiction.  We will discuss the plot, setting and characters in a fiction story.  The students will learn that making predictions can help them to understand the story better.  When we make predictions as we read, we have to stop and think about what is happening in the story and what the characters are doing, saying and feeling.  This allows the reader to become more connected with the story and characters in order to gain a better understanding.  We will continue to respond orally during partner reading, and will continue to build stamina during independent reading time.  We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.
You can help your child at home by having them read to you or to themselves for 10-15 minutes per night and by reading to them.  This can be a very rewarding part of yours and your child's day.  Ask them to recall events from the story and to talk about the characters' feelings and actions.  Work on the 1st Grade sight word list.  It was sent home with the reading homework last week!  

This week in Social Studies...
 We will begin learning about how technology and inventions have changed our lives and communities.  We will think about how technology has changed families, communication, transportation, and work.  We will also learn about how different historical figures have helped to shape our community, state and nation.

This week in Science...
We will learn about different forms of energy.  The students will learn that there are 3 different forms of energy (heat, light & sound).  We will identify a variety of sources of heat, light and sound in the classroom and around the school.  We will record our findings and observations in our science notebook.

If every student could bring in a set of headphones to keep in the classroom, it would help out so much. It gets pretty loud when we all have the sound on.  Please make sure the headphones are not the small ear buds.  They do not properly fit in the kiddos’ ears and they fall out frequently causing a lot of frustration for the kiddo.  Thank you so much!  

This week’s Life Skill is Organization! We will think about how we can plan and implement that plan in an orderly way, and how we can keep ourselves organized so we are ready for any situation.  Our Tribe Circle will focus on how we have been organized throughout the week!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 9th- No school for students -Parent Teacher conferences
Oct 10th- No school for students
Oct 11th- School Pictures
Oct 19th- International Night
Oct 20th- Skate Night @ 6 pm
Oct 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday

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