Friday, September 8, 2017

This week in First grade...

September 11-15

This will be our 4th week of First grade! I can hardly believe it!  We've been working so hard on following our 4 agreements and learning to be a cooperative group of students!

First grade will begin our first Project Based Learning activity! We want to help the people effected by Hurricane Harvey! We are going to hold a Coin Drive!  We will need your help! Please find a time to sign up with your child to collect coins.  Our collections will take place before school!

Please see the sign up below!

Coin Collection Sign up

Sunday, September 10th 3pm-5pm Sunday Funday- PTA fundraiser and social

Monday 9/11:
Tuesday 9/12: Tuesday folders will come home.  Please unload them and return on Wednesday.
Wednesday 9/13:
Thursday 9/14: Library Check-out.  Please remind your child to bring their library books.  We will check out every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month unless it's a holiday.
Friday 9/15:

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will learn all about Partner Reading (Read to Someone)! We will practice the right way to partner read.  We will talk about how partners plan when they read together.  We will discuss how partners learn to talk to each other about the books they are reading.  We will think about how partners have to cooperate and find ways to solve their problems when they read together.
This week we will be reading all about Symbols in our Community.  We will learn about symbols such as the American Flag, Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty.  We will discuss why these symbols are important to our country and their meanings.

This week in Writing Workshop...
We are building our stamina as writers! This week we will focus on writing in complete sentences so our stories make sense.  We will also discuss strategies to help us spell words we may not know how to spell.  We will think about how writers stretch out sounds and do their best to spell words that are hard! We will even discuss what to do when writer's have "hard to draw ideas".  Writing is hard work so we have to take small steps!

This week in Science...
We will continue to look at objects like scientists do! We will observe objects and describe their properties with our 5 senses.  We will discuss with our groups the properties that are the same and different.

This week in Math...
We've been building our number sense and exploring teen numbers.  Now we are going to order numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest.  We are also going to compare numbers using words like "less than" and "greater than".  We will add symbols in a later unit.  We will learn how to solve problems like mathematicians in First grade!

The Life Skill of the week is...
Integrity: To act according to a sense of what's right and wrong.

We will also continue our learning with Growth Mindset.  We've been watching short videos to give us examples of the ways our brain grows! "Watch it Wednesday" has been a hit and a great way to discuss having a growth mindset!

Here are the clips we've seen so far!

Have a great week!

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