Sunday, March 20, 2016

This week in First grade...

March 21-25

There are quite a few changes for the kiddos tomorrow that I hope they will love! My family helped me rearrange our classroom today to offer flexible seating options for the students!  I will post pictures tomorrow when everyone is situated!  There are desks low to the ground for students who prefer to sit criss cross on a pillow.  There are tradition height desks with chairs.  There are two tables of desks with stability balls for students who prefer that.  There is also a table of standing height desks for those who would prefer to stand and work.  They also have the option of using a stool!  I'm so excited to see how this will transform our learning these last weeks of school!  Of course this week I will encourage the students to try each option then we can see what is best for each individual and create a week by week seating chart! It's going to be exciting!

Here are a few reminders for this week:

Monday: Reading Bags: Time for KidsTuesday: Library today! Please have your child return their books by 8am!
Tuesday folders come home.
Wednesday: Counselor's Lesson
Thursday: Spring Class Picture! Please have your child wear their most beautiful smile! 
Friday: Spring Holiday! No school

Homework this week will be getting back into the swing of things with Time for Kids! I will send it home on Monday.  Please return it on Thursday.  No math this week! Continue to encourage your child to read a self selected book each night!

It is that time of the year! Each first grade class will be hosting close to a dozen eggs.   We are expecting our eggs to arrive sometime this week.  We will then put the eggs in the incubators and patiently wait for 21 days for our them to hatch.  This is a part of the animal unit and our first graders will get to observe the life cycle of birds first hand, right in our classroom! It will be an exciting time for all of us!  

This week we will start another unit on Research. Our focus will be on chicks. We will determine what we want to learn from a source and stretch our thinking. Readers wonder more as they learn and read more. We will learn how we can go to different sources such expository texts, reliable internet sources, or asking adults to find out the answers to our questions. In Writing we will continue to record our new findings and learning and put it into a book where others can read it and learn from our research.

We will use the iPads to create a presentation to share our learning! This will be on our SeeSaw accounts after we are finished! 

This week we will work on inequality and comparison subtraction.  We will review that equal sign represents a relationship where expressions on each side of the equal sign represent the same values and inequality represent different values.  We will use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating and comparing sets within 20.

We will continue learning about living and non-living, ecosystem and the inter-dependency of animals and plants in their ecosystem.  This week we will focus on birds, their external characteristics and how these characteristics determine where the birds live, what they eat and how they move.  We will also learn about the life cycle and the interdependency of birds and other animals and plants in their ecosystem.

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