Monday, December 2, 2013

This week in First grade...

December 2-6, 2013

Math: This week, we will start learning about Money.  We will learn the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter, and we will discuss the characteristics that make each coin unique.  We will make a money book and compare and contrast the coins.

Reading Workshop:  This week we will begin our "giving" unit.  For the next two weeks we will focus on literature that shows the benefits of having a giving heart.   We will do different activities that focus on giving to others and to nature.  The comprehension strategy that we will use this week is summarizing/retelling.  As we read, we should always stop to ask ourselves what we just read and retell what is happening in the story.  If we don't remember, we should go back and reread.  If we do remember, move on with our reading until we get to the end and then retell/summarize again when we are finished with the story.

Word Study:
Green Group: ug, ut, and un word families (run, cut, mug)
Blue Group:  h, sh, and ch diagraphs (house, sheep, chain)
Red Group:  short –e (CVC and CVVC) and long –e (CVVC)  (short –e:  when, dead, long –e:  trees, each)

Writing Workshop: We are learning all about writing a friendly letter during Writer's Workshop this week. We will be putting our skills to practice by writing a letter to another first grade class as we learn the five parts of a friendly letter. We will learn about "Pen Pals", and encourage writing letters to friends and relatives throughout this unit! 

Social Studies:  For the next several weeks we will be learning about the many different winter celebrations around the world.  This week, we will learn about celebrations in the USA, Irael, England and India.
Habit #6:  Synergize.  I value other people’s strengths and learn from them.  I seek out other people’s ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.
*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Friday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder every day.

Dates to remember:
November 27-29:  Thanksgiving Holidays
December 4:  Early Release Day
December 5:  Family Art Night
December 9-13:  Book Fair

December 23:  Winter Break Begins

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