Monday, September 30, 2013

This week, Sept 30-Oct 4, in First grade...

September 30-October 4

On Monday we will begin our weekly homework routine.  

Math:  Students will continue to develop their ability to conceptualize a number as being made up of two or more parts and their understanding of the part-part-whole model and related number relationships. They will also continue to explore, in this unit and throughout the year, a variety of addition/subtraction problem situations including joining, separating, part-part-whole, and comparing, with different unknowns: result/change/start, or part/whole or difference, in order to develop an understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction. Sums and differences are limited to 20. Students will generate a problem solving situation from a given number sentence and use concrete and pictorial models to solve problems using addition and subtraction with whole numbers to 20.
Reading Workshop: This week in reading workshop we will continue with our lessons on Reading to Someone and practicing what that looks like independently.  We will focus on choosing our own classroom spot, learn how to choose our own partner (so far I have placed them with a partner), and finally learn techniques for coaching our partners (if they get stuck on their reading or with comprehension).   Partner reading can be very productive and rewarding for each person, but certain guidelines must be followed so optimum learning will take place.  This will complete all our lessons on Read to Someone.  From now on, the focus will be on learning different reading strategies to help build our reading comprehension and stamina.
Writing Workshop:  As we move to the end of the writing process this week, we will begin learning how to revise and edit "Fancying Up and Fixing Up" our writings. Each child has written at least one story that is personal and special to them. We will be ending this week with a celebration of writers in which each writer will read his or her story to their fellow writers. We will be practicing our audience skills as well as our presentation skills during this exciting time in Writer's Workshop!
Science:  So far in science we have learned that matter is anything around us that takes up a space.  Matter can be perceived by our senses and can be classified based on its physical characteristics.  This week we will learn that all matter has mass.  Mass is the amount of matter that forms a body that has some sort of shape and size. Matter can be changed from one state to another.  For example water can evaporate and change from liquid to gas, or it could change from solid (ice) to liquid.  When matter changes from one state to another, the mass won’t change.  The mass doesn’t get more or less, it is still there but in another form.

Habit #3:  Put First Things First- Work First, then Play.
We are going to continue talking about priorities.  We will discuss what priorities we might have at school, home and in our community. 

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday. 

Dates to Remember:
October 2:  Family Spirit Night @ Catfish Parlour
October 3:  Individual School Picture day
October 10:  Science Night
October 14:  Student Holiday
October 18:  Hoot Family Picnic
October 30:  Early Release Day
November 2:  Harvest Festival


Please don’t forget to sign up for a conference time.  Thanks!

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