Sunday, September 24, 2017

This week in First grade...

Thank you to everyone that helped their child bring coins to school to contribute to our Coins for Classroom drive.  We collected over $1,600 to help teachers and students affected by Hurricane Harvey!  That is awesome!

Monday (9/25):  Daily folders come home.  Remember to send them back every day!
Tuesday (9/26): Tuesday folders will come home. Please unload and return on Wednesday.
Wednesday (9/27): Library check-out
Thursday (9/28):
Friday (9/29):  Have a fun, safe weekend!

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will begin learning how to write a small moment story.  A small moment story is a tiny part of an experience that is written in detail.  We will discuss how writers narrow their topic down to make our stories more interesting.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our stories so that it makes sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun 'I'.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.  In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks.

This week in Math...
We will begin learning how to solve addition problems using the count on strategy.  The count on strategy involves counting on 1, 2, or 3 from a given number.  We will use different tools to help us count on, such as a number track, various counters, and dimes and pennies.  We will apply the count on strategy in problem solving situations.  In this unit, we will also use the commutative property.  For example, if 3+4=7, then 4+3=7 as well.
You can help your child at home by having them practice counting on and counting backward from a given number.  Practice skip counting by 2's.  Let your child use household objects to build numbers up to 20.  A very important part of math in 1st Grade is learning to justify how a problem is solved.  Ask them to explain how they got to their answer and how they know it is correct.

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin thinking about different elements of fiction.  We will think about what makes a story fiction.  We will discuss the plot, setting and characters in a fiction story.  The students will learn how to retell a story, and learn that making connections to themselves, other texts, and events in the world around them can help them to understand the story better.  We will continue to respond orally during partner reading, and will continue to build stamina during independent reading time.  We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.
You can help your child at home by having them read to you or to themselves for 10-15 minutes per night and by reading to them.  This can be a very rewarding part of yours and your child's day.  Ask them to recall events from the story and to talk about the characters' feelings and actions.  Work on the 1st Grade sight word list.  You can find this list in the daily folder.  

This week in Social Studies...
 We will be learning about our great state of Texas!  We will read legends and other fiction books to help us learn about the different state symbols, such as the Bluebonnet, state flag, state pledge, Mockingbird and the Alamo.  This is one of my favorite units, as I get to apply my strong Texas accent when reading!  So much fun!

This week in Science...
We will continue to learn about Changes from Heat. We will focus on the question, What happens to different materials when they are heated?  We will observe ice as heat is applied, and then we will record our observations in our science notebook.  The students will continue to think like a scientist by asking questions, making predictions, and conducting age appropriate experiments in the classroom.  

This past Thursday, we had our first turn with the laptops!  We will use the laptops to access Google Classroom and do fun activities! We learned how to find activities on the student page of the Caraway Website this time!

This week’s Life Skill is Common Sense! We will think about how we can use good judgement throughout each day.  We will discuss different scenarios and talk about how we would apply common sense when making choices.  Our Tribe Circle will focus on how we have used common sense throughout the week!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

Dates to Remember:
Oct 4th- International Bike and Walk to school Day
Oct 9th- No school for students -Parent Teacher conferences
Oct 10th- No school for students
Oct 19th- International Night
Oct 20th- Skate Night @ 6 pm
Oct 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week
Nov 20-24th- Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec 21st- Last day of classes
Dec 22-Jan 8th- Winter break
Jan 9th- Students return to School

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