Sunday, September 17, 2017

This week in First grade...

September 18-22

Wow! Can you believe last week was our first "full" week of school! It was busy so I'm sure your children were exhausted!  Now that we are fully involved in learning remember your children are working hard at school everyday! According to WebMD children 6-7 years old need between 10-11 hours of sleep.  So, if they are waking up at 6:30am bedtime needs to be around 7:30pm. This will help your child be refreshed and ready to learn each day!

Monday (9/18):
Tuesday (9/19): Tuesday folders will come home please sign (date and initial on the inside cover), unload and return them on Wednesday.
Wednesday (9/20): Library Lesson- children do not have to return books this week.
Thursday (9/21): Riata Round Up @ 5:30pm
Friday (9/22):

Looking forward:
October 4th- International Bike and Walk to school Day
October 9th- No school for students -Parent Teacher conferences
October 10th- No school for students
October 19th- International Night
October 20th- Skate Night

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will begin learning about the writing process.  The process involves planning a story, sketching our ideas, writing words to match.  We already know that a writer's work is never done.  When we think we are done we can go back to reread our story as we add to the words and add to the pictures.  We will begin the discussion on publishing our pieces as well.  It's going to be an exciting week for our young writers.

This week in Math...
We will continue with Problem Solving.  We will learn the routines we use as problem solvers so we can become more independent and use the strategies we learn to solve problems.

We will include practice with comparing and ordering numbers this week as well.  We will wrap up our week with data collection and learning about Picture and Bar Graphs.

This week in Word Work...
We have been learning word work procedures for the last two weeks.  We learned how to ninja cut a word sort, how to sort it into groups that are the same, how to sort in a different way and how to glue the sort into our notebook.  This week we will practice our routine more independently with a beginning sound sort.  This week I will begin the Words their Way assessment with the students in small groups.  This data will help me learn more about how your child phonetically spells words.

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin thinking about what readers do as they read.  We will practice getting our minds ready for reading, taking a walk through the pictures and activating our prior knowledge.  All of these strategies will help our young readers comprehend the stories they read and form a deeper love of reading!
I'm still looking for a few more parents to come in a read on a weekly basis.  This routine is the same as in Kindergarden.  If the times I listed on the sign up don't work for you I am more than happy to work out a new time! It would be wonderful to get 4 parents involved in reading with the kids weekly!

Here's the sign-up!

This week in Social Studies...
We will continue our PBL project, Coins for Classrooms.  This is when we will get into the "meat" of the project.  We will discuss the reasons why we help others and how we can help.  We will research and learn about hurricanes, coins and helping others.  We will continue to collect coins in the mornings.  If your child can help please sign them up! If they come to the classroom in the morning I can get them situated at our collection point.

Here's the link to Coins for Classrooms

This week in Science...
We will begin unit 3 in Science this week.  We will learn about Changes from Heat. We will focus on the question, What happens to different materials when they are heated?  We will observe what happens to crayons when they are heated.  We will also observe what happens to drink mix (kool-aid) when we remove heat by putting them in the freezer.  This will be an edible experiment.  Please let me know if you would prefer that your child not eat the homemade Popsicle.

On Friday we had our first day with the iPads!  For the past two years I've had a class set of iPads in my classroom to ingrate technology into our learning everyday.  This year will be different for me but exciting for your children.  We will do many fun projects and learning activities with the iPads when we have them.  We started Friday with an App called My Story.  It's a great app that allows the children to write a story, illustrate it, record themselves reading it then share it with others.  We will be using this app during writing to create original pieces!

This weeks Life Skill is Caring! We will think about how we care for others through mutual respect and active listening! Our Appreciation Circle will focus on how we have cared for others this week!

Growth Mindset:
We will continue our thinking on how to help our brains grow healthy and strong! This week we will explore The Mysterious World of Neurons! We will dive into the anatomy of our brains!
Last week we watched Episode 3 of Class Dojo Growth Mindset.  Here's the link to Katie Discovers the Incredible Power of YET!

That's all for now! Have a great week!

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