Friday, February 17, 2017

This week in First grade...

February 21-24

Our Valentine's Day Party was a huge success! Thank you to our homeroom parents, Mrs. Sheffield and Mrs. Faulds for working so hard to make it perfect! We loved having time to celebrate our friendships!

Monday is a Student Holiday.  Our Staff will be participating in Professional Development workshops.  Our school will also be disinfected over the three day weekend.  We've had another round of the Stomach Flu going around so we have been taking extra time to disinfect our classroom and materials as well as washing our hands frequently.  If your child is sick please make sure they are symptom and fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.  This will help everyone stay healthy.

Reminders: This week we will celebrate The Hour of Code
Monday (2/20): President's Day Holiday
Tuesday (2/21): Library Lesson Day (students do not have to return books)
                          Tuesday folders will come home.  Please return them on Wednesday.
Wednesday (2/22):
Thursday (2/23):
Friday (2/24): Engineering Day

A note about Engineering Day...
On Friday, February 24th Caraway will hold it’s 2nd annual Engineering Day

We want to give the students a broad a view of engineering possibilities, so we have invited engineers from many different disciplines. We will learn about engineering, how people create solutions to everyday problems, how people merge art and technology to create wonderful new things or how people work with teams to change the landscape of our world!

Engineering Day will run for the first half of the day February 24th and be organized into three 45-minute rotations. 

Rotation 1: 8:15am-9:00am
Rotation 2: 9:00am-9:45am

Rotation 3: 9:45am-10:30am

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin our unit on Poetry.  We will read many different types of poetry and think about why readers want to read poetry.  We will learn about the forms of poetry and how the reader understands what the author is trying to say to their reader.

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We will also begin our unit on Poetry.  We will think about how poets see things with fresh, new eyes.  We will think about how poets form their writing with line breaks so their reader can experience their poem.  We will also think about poems are big ideas in tiny packages.  We will be creating a collection of poems during this unit.  

This week in Math...
We will continue our unit on the Make 10 strategy.  We will extend our strategy and incorporate all of the strategies we have learning into our problem solving.  Please review the work that will come home in the Tuesday folder so you can help your student with this strategy.

This week in Science...
We will be explore Force and Motion during our Patterns of Movement Unit.  We will explore movement with small objects such as a ball and record what we learn about motion. We will also visit the Innovation Lab and work with the robots to investigate motion.

Have a great three day weekend!

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