We had a great first week! Today our Orange 1st grade agenda folders came home. Each student will be documenting their success as a leader daily. Please check the calendar in their folders. A sticker on the appropriate date indicates a successful day practicing leadership skills. If there is a number written with my initials (ec) in the box please discuss solutions at home. Explore the folder and agenda with your child!
Math: This year in Math we will learn many new
concepts and develop new skills. The state of Texas revised the TEKS for
the 2014-2015 school year. As a proactive school district RRISD
instituted a conversion year. This year we will teach the current TEKS
and the "new/revised" TEKS. Many things are new and/or
different. For our first unit we will be exploring Place Value. The
objectives for this unit include 1) composing and decomposing numbers up to
120, 2) Generating numbers from 0 up to 120, 3)Representing, comparing and
ordering numbers to 100 using symbols (<, >, =), 4) Using Place Value to
compare whole numbers up to 120 (i.e. 23 has 2 groups of ten and 3 ones).
Please review your child's work as it comes home in their folder. The
students also use their Math Notebooks on a daily basis. As we establish
routines we will begin sending home the Math Notebook periodically for parents
to review.
Reading Workshop: This
week we will launch our reading workshop procedures and the students will learn
that one of the most important things to do to become a better reader is to
read good-fit books. We will learn how
to look for good-fit books in five ways using the acronym I PICK. They will learn: “I” choose my book, “P”urpose-Why do I want
to read it? “I”nterest-Does it interest me? “C”omprehend-Am I understanding
what I am reading? “K”now-I know most of the words. I encourage you to use this same dialogue
with your child at home to help them choose good-fit books for independent
reading at home. Once we grasp how to
choose a good-fit book, we will start our lesson with three ways to read a
book. It takes time to establish reading
workshop procedures, but after we build a solid foundation, it pays off all
year long! J
Writing Workshop: In this session of Writing Workshop, we will be
learning what the expectations are for Writing Workshop, and how to use the
supplies. Once we model the process of choosing a topic,
sketching it, and then writing about it, the students will choose their own
topics, sketch, and write.
Social Studies: This
week, we will be discussing rules and laws at school, home and in our
community. What is the difference
between a rule and a law? Why do we need
rules and laws? We will also talk about
positive and negative consequences.
Habit #1: Be
Proactive- Being
proactive means that you are a responsible person. You are in charge of your actions and your
moods, and you take responsibility for your choices. We read stories about being proactive last
week. This week, we will reinforce being
proactive in the classroom, at home, and in our community. Please talk with your child about what they
can do to be a proactive member of your family.
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