March 26-29
Last week we had a fantastic week back together after Spring Break! The highlight of the week was sharing our poetry! These boys and girls have some powerful thoughts!
This Thursday we are going to do a Poetry Reading! I would like for this to be a surprise to the kids! Please join us at 12:00pm for our poetry reading via Periscope. Just download the app to your phone or tablet. You can use your Twitter account to sign in! Find me @mrscaballero. I will send a reminder on Bloomz!
Monday 3/26-
Tuesday 3/27- Tuesday folders go home. Please empty and return the next day!
Wednesday 3/28- Library checkout! Please remind your child to bring his/her books.
Thursday 3/29- Periscope Poetry Reading at 12:00pm (noon)
The reading calendar is due on April 2! Please keep it at home and track reading minutes until then!
This week in Writing Workshop...
We are wrapping up our poetry unit! This is one of my favorite units to teach because I love reading the students' unique feelings and thoughts written into a poem format. We have been working on writing a variety of poems! We can't wait to read our favorite on Thursday!
This week in Reading Workshop...
We will continue to read poems written by a variety of authors. We will learn that readers think about the poems they read, have opinions about the poems they read and how to justify opinions. We will also talk about visualizing books or poems we are reading!
This week in Social Studies...
We will talk about culture! I love working at Caraway because of the diversity of our school. We will discuss and answer questions such as, why family and community beliefs, customs, languages and traditions are so important to our community. We will also talk about understanding and respecting different cultures.
This week in Math....
We will wrap up our relating addition and subtraction unit. IXL has great practice on these concepts. We will use problem solving to show our addition and subtraction skills, and how we can relate one another to solve a problem and still get the same correct answer. We will ask ourselves these questions while problem solving this week:
How do I decide which strategy to use when adding or subtracting numbers?
How can I use numbers and symbols to represent real-life situations?
How can I use number sentences to solve problems?
This week in Science...
We will get our chick eggs on Wednesday!!! We will review what we learned about birds last week and talk more about what our classroom chick project will look like. We will start our Project Based Learning unit on Chickens when we come back from our three day weekend! The chicks take 21 days to hatch! This is one of my favorite times in first grade!
Have a great week! :)
March 2018
March 26 - Screenagers Viewing, 7:00-8:30 @ LME
March 28 - BOW WOW, Last Day!
March 28 - Spirit Night at Newks, 4-9pm
March 29 - Box Tops Due!
March 30th - No School/Spring Holiday
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