Sunday, August 27, 2017

This week in First grade...

August 28-September 1

We had a fantastic first week! We learned about our 4 Agreements! They are Active Listening, Appreciations/No Put Downs, Mutual Respect and Right to Pass/Right to Participate.  These are part of a management system for positive behavior reinforcement called TRIBES.  We created the anchor charts to discuss what each agreement sounds like, looks like and feels like. Our goal is to form a community of learners that respect each other's differences and needs.  Our little first grade family will be kind, caring and compassionate!

Monday (8/28): Late start! The tardy bell with ring at 9:40am.
Tuesday (8/29): The tardy bell rings at 7:40am each day! Tuesday folders will come home.  Please unload then and return them on Wednesday.
Wednesday (8/30): Fall Scouting Meeting 6:15pm
Thursday (8/31): Get a good night's rest! We will be tired!
Friday (9/1): Have a great 3 day weekend! No school on Monday!

**Please help your child remember to bring a snack everyday.  With an early lunch times their little tummies are so hungry by our 1:15pm snack time!

This week in Reading Workshop...
We are beginning our work as readers.  We will discuss 3 different ways to read a book, the expectations of read to self and how we can build our stamina as readers.  We will continue to learn how readers set themselves up for success during our workshop time!

This week in Writing Workshop...
We are beginning our work as writers in first grade!  It's so exciting to think about all of the things we can do as writer's.  We will set up the expectations for Writing Workshop.  We will create a Heart map and write things down that we care about so we can come back to them later.  We will learn about the tools we will use during workshop as we explore new stories in our minds.

This week in Social Studies...
We will begin to discuss Being a Good Citizen.  We will talk about the things we can do at home, at school and in our community to show good citizenship.  We will be integrating our Social Studies and Language Arts time as we read stories and discuss them during our shared reading and interactive writing time.

This week in Science...
We will think about safety as a scientist.  We will discuss how to use science tools safely and how we will work with others.

This week in Math...
We will begin our first unit.  We will be reviewing numbers 1-20 as we apply number sense to our everyday life.  We will discuss ways to represent numbers and how we can count in different ways.  We will use manipulatives to get our hands on numbers and change the numbers to different numbers. (Ex. I have 4 cubes.  If I take one away I have 3.)

**If it is raining at dismissal our plan is...

  • 2:50- Bus riders will be dismissed from their classrooms and meet a staff member by the main door on the playground side.
  • 2:52- YMCA students will be released to the cafeteria.
  • 2:52- Day Care students will meet a teacher in the 2nd grade hallway
  • 2:55- Parents who meet their students on the blacktop will be invited into the gym. Please look for Coach Madland to welcome you into the gym through the Kinder/Art hallway door close to the gym and playground.
  • 2:55- Car riders and flagpole walkers will stay with their teacher and head to the designated area. There will be teachers with walkie talkie to dismiss the children to their parents.

Have a great week!

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