Sunday, October 23, 2016

This week in First grade...

October 24-28

Kathy Caraway Elementary is celebrating Red Ribbon Week

Monday: We are Red-y for Red Ribbon Week! (Come decked in RED!)
Tuesday: We have the POWER make Good Choices!!! (Wear Super Hero Shirts) 

Wednesday: Hats off for being Healthy!(Wear hats to school)

Thursday: It’s Crazy to do Drug!(Wear crazy socks)

Friday: Wake up healthy and strong! (wear pajamas to school)

We enjoyed Academies again last week! Hopefully you were able to order a Caraway Academy t-shirt to help support future Academies! Next up is Harvest Fest.  On November 5th Caraway PTA will host their annual Harvest Fest.  It's a great time for all! I hope to see you there. 

Next week, October 31-November 4 Mrs. Lieurance will be subbing for me.  The students are familiar with her.  Mrs. I will be there as well.  I will not be checking email regularly so if there is a change in your child's afternoon routine please write a note in their communication folder.  Mrs. I will check them every day.  

You can also send an email to Mrs. I (  if you need to.   As always feel free to call the office 464-5500 and they will get a message down to Mrs. Lieurance. 

Monday: Reading Homework Bags will come home

Tuesday: Library Books are Due by 8am.
               Tuesday folders will come home. lease unload, review work and return        
Wednesday: Early Release at 12:00pm.  Skate Night
Friday: Reading Homework Bags are Due
              Caraway Academy 7:45am-8:30am

I'm including information for the following week as well!

Monday (10/31): Reading Homework- RAZ Kids* more info below
Tuesday (11/1): No Library 
                          Tuesday Folders will come home.  Please unload, review work and return        
Wednesday (11/2): 
Thursday (11/3):
Friday (11/4): Caraway Academy 7:45am-8:30am
Saturday (11/5): Harvest Festival 

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin learning about Expository Texts.  We will explore the differences between Fiction and Nonfiction texts.  Then we will examine nonfiction text features such as photographs as pictures, diagrams, headings and table of contents.  We will begin reading nonfiction texts in our small groups.  We will discuss nonfiction texts and the purpose for reading them, to learn. This week we will focus our learning on Bats.

Next week (10/31-11/4)...
We will continue our exploration of nonfiction texts and move on to other features such as the index, bold words and the glossary.  Nonfiction books help us learn new things.  We will also learn that you read nonfiction texts differently than fiction.  Nonfiction texts can be read a section at a time while fiction texts generally are read cover to cover.

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will wrap up our unit on Small Moments.  We have been hard at work thinking of ideas, writing stories, making them fancy then publishing them! Author's Chair on Friday we extra special because we had quite a few of our "published authors" share their stories.  This week we will begin thinking about writing comments on things we know a lot about.  We will generate a list of things we know about then choose one to write more about.  We will also focus some of our time on writing what we know about Bats before we read to find out more. 

Next week (10/31-11/4)...
We will continue writing about things we know a lot about.  This week we will focus our thinking and writing on Spiders.  We will write things we know about spiders so we can make a nonfiction book.  

**This week (10/31-11/4) for reading homework the students will log in to their RAZ Kids reading accounts and read from the leveled section of the website.  There is a RAZ Kids app.  The students use it at school also.  Their login information is taped to the inside cover of their communication log.  Please have your child read 3-5 stories and answer the questions to go with it.  They can listen to the stories after they have read aloud. 

This week in Math...
We will continue thinking about measurement as we move into telling time.  Students will be able to tell time to the hour by identifying the short hand as the hour hand and the long hand as the minute hand on an analog clock.  We will relate digital clocks to analog clocks and tell time with both.  

Next week (10/31-11/4)...
We will begin a new unit on Place Value.  We will identify numbers with two digits, tens and ones.  We will compose numbers with tens sticks and cubes as we form the ideas that each digit has a value.  We will practice with manipulatives with numbers up to 50.  We will apply what we learn about place value to problem solving strategies.

This week in Social Studies...
This is the last week for our Coins for Coats Drive.  It has been amazing to see the children hard at work counting the coins as they are collected.  We've raised over $200.00 so far!  One of our focuses is Selfless Giving.  We discuss how giving to others makes us feel like we've made a difference in our community.  We wrote letters last week to see if our parents can help us find some more coins at home!  

We will also learn about our community symbols as we study the US Symbols.  We will discuss their meaning and why symbols like the Liberty Bell are important to our nation's history.  We will also study our state's symbols such as the Texas Flag and the Alamo.  We will learn about our state's history and why we should be proud to be Texans.

Next week (10/31-11/4)...
We will begin a unit in Science on Forms of Energy. We will discuss what energy is and where it comes from.  We will make observations about energy inside our school building and outside.  We are excited to record our scientific knowledge in our Science Notebooks!

Have a great week! 

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