Sunday, October 11, 2015

This week in First Grade...

Oct. 13-16

We had a great week last week!  We are getting setup to use Google Classroom so we can do more activities on our iPads then turn them in digitally!  Parents will be able to view their work as well!

Books Orders are due this Thursday, October 15th.  I will submit the order after school that day so we will receive the books by Halloween!  Scholastic is a great way to get new, leveled books for your child to read at home for reasonable prices!  Your orders earn points for our classroom so we can add new books to our Cowpoke Library!  We get super excited about new books!

Monday: No School - Student Holiday
TuesdayTuesday folders come home. Please return signed Tuesday folders every Wednesday morning.
Please make sure you check your child’s Daily Folder each night and initial the day to show me you saw the information.
Thursday: Book Order Due!
Thursday, October 15: Science Night at 6:00
Friday: Reading bags are due!

No Out of the Box Homework this week!

Albert Einstein said, " I am not a genius, I only stay on a problem longer".  Perseverance is the key to success. Our children will learn in time that is is not a matter of luck, or being smart that makes us successful.  It is our hard work, consistency, and perseverance that make us successful.  We will read some wonderful children's stories such as " Whistle for Willie", "Ruby's Wish", and " A chair for My Mother" and see how the characters in these stories all wanted to achieve something.  It took a long time for each to get their wishes but eventually they all got what they wished for with their hard work.  

This week:

We will continue reading some of our favorite children's stories and practice thinking while reading.  Strong readers constantly think about what they read, They put the clues in the story together and make thoughtful predictions.  They think about the characters and not only try to remember the characters' names, but also think about their personalities.  What kind of a character is my main character? Is this character, funny? generous? friendly? scared? Thinking about the characters, setting and plot of the story will help us to have a better understanding of the story. 
Reading bags will come on Tuesday.  Remember, repeated readings help build confidence and comprehension as children practice the skills they've learned to become fluent readers!  Record the titles of the books your child reads on their Reading Log as well as the number of minutes they read! Our goal is 10 minutes each night! 
RAZ-Kids will be available for at home, leveled reading as well!  I will put your child's login information in their blue agenda folder on Tuesday! 

We have been writing great stories/small moments about our lives.  This week, we will learn how to reread and revisit our stories and make any changes that would make our stories much better before publishing it.  We will learn to read our stories carefully to make sure our stories make sense.  In the process, sometimes we need to add to our stories and sometimes we need to take off from our stories.  We will learn to fancy up our stories, by adding to our pictures, coloring neatly and writing neatly and then publishing our stories!

This week, we will be learning about length and measurement.  We will talk about longest and shortest and longer and shorter.  In First Grade we will not use rulers to measure but instead use non-standard units of measurement such as pencils, cubes, paper clips, and measure.  We will even have a small history lesson to learn what a cubit is.  You can help your child with this skill at home by letting them measure different objects around the house.  How many steps is it from the front door to the couch?  How many pennies long is a fork?  Have fun!

This week in social studies, we will learn about life in the past and present.  We will learn how technology has changed our lives comparing to the past.  People communicate differently, have different ways of transportation, entertainment, and hold different jobs comparing to the past due to technology. 

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