Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9-13

I hope you all had a great evening at Family Dinner Night.  We were in and out pretty quickly because one of my little ladies didn't feel well and the other was super busy!  

Today, in the afternoon, I will be attending the SXSWedu conference with Ms. Marsh.  We both won a 4 day pass to the event by tweeting out innovative ways we use technology in our classrooms.  Mrs. Barnes will be my sub today.

Tomorrow morning Ms. Marsh and I will be attending the conference for the morning session then returning to campus for a Technology training.  Mrs. Neville will be here in the morning and Mrs. Clark will be here in the afternoon.  

Monday: Reading this week will be RAZ-Kids.  Math this week will be iXL.  Please remind your child to log some time on these programs this week.  I will be checking our progress report through out the week!
Tuesday: Tuesday folders come home.  Please  return the signed Tuesday folder the next day.
Wednesday: Early Release Day- Dismissal is at 12:45   
Friday Library Day.  All library books are due by 8:00 AM
March 16-20: Spring Break!!!!

This week we will work on another important comprehension strategy: making inferences.  Sometimes, authors don't give the reader every bit of information. They might just give the reader clues or hints about something.  When this happens,the reader needs to make an inference.  An inference is a thoughtful guess.  We put the hints and clues together and tell things that were not told in the text in so many words. We will ask the children: After you read this, what can you tell?

What a great imagination our first graders have!! Talking about "the whole neighborhood turning into blocks", or " Peyton Manning coming out of the TV and giving you an autograph!!" It is so much fun to read the stories of these amazing writers! This week while wrapping up our imaginative stories, we will work on a few writing conventions.  We will review the structure of a complete sentence with the emphasis on verbs and nouns.  Verbs are action words that could happen in the past, present, or future.  Nouns are the names of people, places or things.  A noun can be singular or it can be plural.

We will continue our unit on subtraction and applying different strategies to solve problems.  This week we will emphasize on the "missing addend".  If I have 12 pennies and I need a total of 20 pennies to buy a pen, how many more pennies do I need to buy the pen? Some children may think addition and some may think subtraction to solve this problem. Both strategies are correct.  This week we will also review pennies, dimes and nickels and their attributes.

We will continue learning about living and non-living, ecosystem and the inter-dependency of animals and plants in their ecosystem.  Last week we learned about the external characteristics of mammals and how these characteristics determine what the mammals eat, how they move and where they live.  This week we will learn about the fish, its external characteristics, life cycle and the interdependency in its ecosystem.

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