Sunday, October 5, 2014

This week in First grade...

October 6th -10th

I hope everyone had a relaxing, fall weekend!  The weather was lovely and I'm sure everyone enjoyed various sporting events and family time!

This week in...

Writer's Workshop:
We will be progressing through the writing process.  We will continue to focus on small moments and writing more about a short amount of time.  We had Author's chair on Friday and many of our friends were able to share their pieces.  I write "love notes" for each student as they share.  I also write "love notes" to friends that didn't get a chance to share their stories.  The students will bring home the pieces they share with the class to show them off at home.  I'm so proud of their progress and hard work so far this year!

Reading Workshop:
We will begin discussing making connections as we read.  Strong Readers think about what they are reading and connect it to themselves (text to self), other books they have read (text to text) or the world around them (text to world).  As your child reads at home ask them, "Does this book/story make you think of anything?"

Word Study:
We are practicing our word wall words and making sure to use them correctly in our writing.  We are reviewing concepts such as vowels, consonants and syllables.  We will begin our in depth word study next week!

This week in Science we will be exploring properties of materials.   We will use our five senses to explore items and discuss their properties.  The students will use their science notebook to record information they learn about their observations just like real scientists.

We are continuing our unit on Addition, Equality and Counting on.  We have practiced specific  skills that help us become experts at our math facts.  We will practice math facts that count on 2 (3+2, 4+2, 5+2, etc).  We will practice problem solving and use the strategies we know to expand our mathematical minds!

Thank You's!!

To Mr. Cone for coming on Tuesdays to help us during Reading Workshop!
To Mrs. Cone for coming to help with Tuesday folders!
To Mrs. Castellani for coming to read with our friends on Friday as we checked our homework in!

Wednesday, October 8
 Bike and Walk to School Day
 Spirit Night at Catfish Parlour
Monday, October 13
 Columbus Day, No School/Staff Development
Thursday, October 16
 Caraway Science Night
 Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Bailey
Saturday, October 25
 Caraway Harvest Festival

Have a great week!
Mrs. C

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