January 20-24
A note
about the Fairy Tale Parade:
To wrap up our unit on Fairy
Tales/Folktales we will have a Fairy Tale Parade on Friday, January 31st
@8:15am. A note with specifics will be
in the Tuesday folder!
Math: Students will describe and identify
two- and three-dimensional shapes. The will distinguish
between attributes that define a two-dimensional or
three-dimensional figure and attributes that do not define the shape. Each
student will create, classify and sort two- and three-dimensional shapes
according to their attributes using informal and formal geometry
language. The student will be able to compose two-dimensional geometric shapes
by joining two, three or four figures to produce a target shape.
Reading Workshop: This
week, we will be reading Folktales.
Folktales are very similar to Fairy Tales. 3 key differences are that there are animal
characters that display human characteristics, there is no magic, and there is
usually a lesson to be learned. We will
read The Little Red Hen, The Three Little
Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and Little Red Riding Hood. We
will have a Fairy Tale Parade on January 31.
On this day, your child can come to school dressed up as their favorite
Fairy Tale or Folktale character!
Parents are invited to attend, and we will parade around the school to
show off what we have been learning and our awesome costumes!
Writing Workshop: As we head into another week of fictional writing, we will
continue to refer back on all that we have learned about the elements of fairy
tales, folktales, and fables. We have been applying our new learning by putting
pencils, markers, and crayons to paper and working hard at crafting our own
amazing stories. We will also be discussing and writing about our favorite
fairy tale and folktale characters as the week progresses.
Science: This week we will continue to learn about weather. We
will learn about different kind of weather such as sunny, warm, cold, windy,
rainy, snowy and windy. We will also learn about different types of
precipitation such as rain, snow and sleet and sever/extreme weather such as
flooding tornado, and hurricane.
Habit #7: Sharpen the Saw. I take care of
myself. I spend time with family and
friends. I find meaningful ways to help
remember to send a healthy snack every day. Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure
your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
day is Friday.
remember to send back your child’s
orange folder every day.
Dates to remember:
20: No School
22: International Festival
30: Science Fair
31: Fairy Tale Parade
4: 1st Grade PE Program
5: Early Release Day
1: Family Dinner Night
3-4: Turkey Trot
10-14: Spring Break
19: Early Release Day and Family Skate
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