9-13, 2013
Math: This week, students will continue to work on
recognizing the penny, nickel, dime and quarter and their value. We will extend this learning by skip counting
and applying our knowledge to problem solving.
Workshop: This week in reading workshop we will introduce an important
and often times the most difficult reading strategy to implement and that is
inferring. Inferring is the bedrock of understanding. Writers
don't always spill information onto the page; often they leak it slowly leaving
clues along the way to keep the reader engaged in the act of constructing
meaning. Inferring involves taking what you know, your
background knowledge, and merging it with clues in the text to come up with
some information that isn't explicitly stated there. We
will continue with this strategy until the winter break, giving the students
plenty of time me to model and the children to practice using this important
reading skill.
Word Study:
We will be
reviewing word wall words this week and next.
I will also conduct assessments for word study to make sure we are on
track for January!
Writing Workshop: This week and next week during writing
workshop, we will continue our unit on writing friendly letters. As an
extension to a story that will be read during Reading, we will each write a
letter to a dog at the animal shelter. We will then decorate a bag with dog
treats that will be brought to a local animal shelter to help the animals feel
loved. We
will also use our Writer’s Workshop time to research and record facts about the
different customs and traditions celebrated around the world that our elf
travels to each day.
Social Studies: This week,
we will continue our cultural unit on winter holiday traditions around the
world. This unit helps children to
understand the differences and similarities in traditions around the world. Since we are such a diverse group here at
Caraway, we are also able to learn more about each other.
Habit #6: Synergize.
value other people’s strengths and learn from them. I seek out other people’s ideas because I
know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than anyone of
us can alone.
remember to send a healthy snack every day. Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure
your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
day is Friday.
remember to send back your child’s orange folder every day.
Dates to
9-13: Book Fair
19: Winter Holiday Party @1 pm-2 pm
20: Polar Express Day (wear pajamas)
23: Winter Break Begins
7: 2nd Semester Begins
20: No School
22: International Festival
30: Science Fair
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