Monday, October 21, 2013

This week in First grade...

October 21-25, 2013

Math:  Students will collect, sort and organize data in up to three categories as well as draw conclusions, generate and answer questions about the graphs.  They will construct picture graphs, bar-type graphs, and graphs using real objects.  Students will display math concepts using concrete models in problem solving connected to everyday experiences.

Reading Workshop:  This week in reading workshop we will continue our unit with reading and studying nonfiction/expository texts.  So many students are really enjoying this unit and even checking out nonfiction in the library now.  I love the learning that takes place with this unit!  This week our focus will be on reading nonfiction books about bats and using our reading time to research and learn facts that we don’t already know about them.  This unit will extend into writing workshop too.  We will also spend some time on comparing and contrasting fiction vs. nonfiction books on bats.  Take a look in the halls to see our facts about spiders and watch for our bat facts to appear soon!  We are going “batty” over learning about this unit!

Writing Workshop:  This week during writer's workshop, we will continue learning about the elements of non-fiction versus fiction. We will be learning all about bats as we practice finding information, taking brief notes, and turning our research into a non-fiction piece of our own.

Word Study:
Apple Group: Long Vowel review
The (e) sound in the middle or at the end of a word is spelled ee as in bee.

The (a, i, o, u) long vowel sounds in the pattern vowel consonant final e are spelled a, i, o and u followed by a consonant and a silent e at the end of a word like in cape,  five, hope, and cube.

Red Group: Short vowel review
Short vowel sounds are spelled consonant-vowel-consonant like in pig, bed, sock and cup.

Blue Group: sh and ch review
We know that the (h), (sh) and (ch) sounds at the beginning of a word are spelled h, sh and ch as in house, shoe and chair.

Green Group: Word families with short a spelled -ap and -ag
The (ap) sound at the end of a one syllable word is spelled ap as in gap.
The (ag) sound at the end of a one syllable word is spelled ag as in bag. 

Social Studies:  This week, we will continue to learn about our National symbols.  We will discuss the vocabulary in the Pledge of Allegiance, and we will learn about the Statue of Liberty and the Bald Eagle.  We will also be creating some wonderful art projects!

Habit #4:  Think Win-Win. 

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Friday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.

Dates to remember:
October 30:  Early Release Day
November 2:  Harvest Festival
November 13:  Family Skate Night
November 27-29:  Thanksgiving Holidays
December 4:  Early Release Day
December 5:  Family Art Night
December 9-13:  Book Fair
December 23:  Winter Break Begins

October 21-25, 2013 is Red Ribbon Week!
Monday: “Sock it to Drugs” day – wear crazy or mismatched socks
Tuesday: “Stomp out Drugs” day - wear tennis shoes
Wednesday: “Boot out Drugs” day – wear boots or western wear
Thursday: “Pledge to be Drug Free” day - wear red, white and blue
Friday: “Say BOO to Drugs” day – wear Halloween colors or t-shirt

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