Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This week in First grade...

TAKS testing next week- no parents in the building T,W & Th
Early Release- May 5th

Principal's Pride...

Bryce F.
Bryce is an outstanding ball player! He loves to share stories about his games with his classmates! I can't wait to see you in the major leagues!

Dana M.
Dana is a super-duper sweetheart! She loves to help in the classroom and gives extra special triple-hugs every afternoon!

In Reader's Workshop...
We are focusing on Earth day this week. On Thursday we will have a whole day devoted to saving our Earth! We are also reading fun fiction as shared readings this week. We are focusing on character traits. We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes yesterday and discussed how Chrysanthemum loved her name at the beginning of the story but soon changed her feelings.

In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures.

In Word Work...
We are studying compound words this week. Words: bathtub, sunshine, pancake, butterfly, desktop, outside, inside Challenge: cycle, Earth

In Math...
We will continue to discuss probability. We are focusing on the use of vocabulary such as certain, impossible, more likely, less likely. We are also gathering data and independantly making a tally chart and representing our data on a graph.

In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. We will study the parts of the plant and their functions, this week. We will focus on the Life cycle of plants and compare it to that of an animal.

Have a great week! Mrs. Caballero

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