Monday, December 13, 2010
This week in First grade...
-Winter Party- Thursday, December 16th - time to be announced.
-Winter Holiday- December 20th-January 3rd. Classes resume Tuesday, January 4th.
In Reading and Writing Workshop...
We are reading and writing about holidays around the world this week. Today we learned about Kwanzaa. We will also learn about Hanukkah, Diwali, Las Posadas and Christmas.
There will be no Word Work or Spelling this week!
In math we are finishing our unit on compairing and ordering numbers.
In Science this week we are finishing our unit on matter.
Have a jolly week!
Mrs. Caballero
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
This week in First Grade...
This weeks Principal's Pride friend is Riona B. Happy Birthday! Riona is a superstar new student in our class. We love having her and look forward to learning more about her.
-Early Release- Wednesday, December 8th at 12:45pm.
-Winter Party- Thursday, December 16th at 12:45pm-1:30pm.
-Winter Holiday- December 20th-January 3rd. Classes resume Tuesday, January 4th.
In Reading workshop we are working on reading stories and learning new comprehension strategies. Later this week we will begin learning about holidays around the world.
In Writer's Workshop we are working on completing the writing process.
In Word work this week we are working on the long a sound spelled -ay and -ai.
Spelling words: day, say, play, rain, mail, pair
Sight word vocab: us, there, come, nice, from
Challenge: Penguin, holiday
Sentence dictation: 1) There is a nice dog. 2) The presents come from us.
In Math this week we are working on solving problems in which we have to order and compare numbers.
In Science this week we are continuing our unit on Matter. We will learn about using a hand lens and we will observe things with it. We will also compare mass with different objects using a balance.
Have a warm week!
Mrs. C
Monday, November 29, 2010
This week in First grade...
Tuesday Parent: none
Monday folders for December: Yan Zuo
*Due to the holiday break Monday folders will come home tomorrow (Tuesday).
-We are collecting new, in the package, underwear and socks for the Round Rock Clothes Closet. There will be a bin outside of my classroom.
-We will have a compliment party on Friday to celebrate our success during the can food drive.
In Reader's Workshop we are working on building fluency and comprehension skills. Have your child make connections to their lives, other stories they've read, or the world around them as they read. This skill helps them to better understand the purpose of reading.
In Writer's Workshop we are working on completing the writing process. We finished our Scarecrow stories and they will come home in the Monday folder next week.
In Word Work we are working on the ee sound.
Rule: The ee sound is spelled ee as in feet.
Spelling words: seek, keep, green, feet, bee, sleep
Challenge words: wreath, giving
Sight word vocabulary: some, good, if, ride, not
We will start sentence dictation this week. Our sentences are:
If you are not good Santa will not come.
Some toys ride in his bag.
In Math this week we are finishing our unit on Patterns by skip counting on hundreds charts by 2's, 5's and 10's. We will also work on learning if numbers are odd of even. Our next unit will be Compairing and Ordering Numbers to 99. We will continue this unit for the remainder of the semester.
In Science this week we will begin our unit on Matter and Energy. We will first discuss properties of matter. We will learn about identifying properties in different objects and chart them in our Science Notebook.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, November 15, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Monday Folder Stuffer: Kathleen Trail
Tuesday parent: none this week
November 19th- Corn Feast @ 1:00pm
November 24th-26th- Thanksgiving Holiday
**Please clearly label your children's coats and sweaters. Quite a few of the students have been leaving their things in their cubbies or on the floor and they do not have names in them.
In Reading Workshop this week we are learning about the First Thanksgiving. We will discuss what contributions the Pilgrims made to the feast and what the Indians taught the Pilgrims to help them survive. Take Home readers will come home Monday-Thursday. No take home readers November 22nd and 23rd.
In Writing workshop we will be reading the story, The Scarecrow's Hat and we will write a story about a scarecrow. This project takes us through the writing process (formally) for the very first time!
In Word Work this week we are studying is the long u sound. The (u) sound in a one syllable word is spelled u _e as in the word cute.
Spelling words: cute, tube, glue, blue, flute, cube
Challenge words: Pilgrim, Indian
Sight word vocab: have, this, our, make, an
In Math this week we will begin our unit on Patterns. We will review patterns the students learned in Kindergarten and make our own patterns.
In Social Studies this week we continue working on our Where Do We Live books. We are learning about the community around us and making a book to show what we've learned.
A note from Mrs. C: I will be out on Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Langford will be my sub.
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, November 8, 2010
This week in First grade...
Monday Folder Stuffer: Kathleen Trail
Tuesday parent: Elizabeth Pooler
November 10th - Early Release @12:45pm
November 12th- Field Trip to the IMAX and Waterloo Park
November 24th-26th- Thanksgiving Holiday
**Please clearly label your children's coats and sweaters. Quite a few of the students have been leaving their things in their cubbies or on the floor and they do not have names in them.
This week in Reader's workshop we are working on Poetry. We will learn about the elements of poetry. We will identify rhyme, rhythm and alliteration in poems. We will also be writing poems to make our very own Book of Poetry.
This week in Writing Workshop we are focusing on writing about Small Moments. We will write stories with more detail and stretch our small moments out. We will begin working with a partner when we write to help us verbally rehearse our writing before we get it on paper.
In Word Work this week we will be working on the long o sound. The long o sound is spelled o as in rope. (Silent e at the end)
Spelling words: cone, rope, bone, code, hope, joke
Sight word vocab: do, big, get, had, saw
Challenge: phone, turkey
In Math this week we will finish our unit on Learning Strategies for Basic Addition and we will begin our unit on Patterns. The math homework that is sent home in the Monday folder is optional. It is extra practice for your child that they can work on at their own pace. There is no need to turn it in.
In Social Studies this week we will finish our unit on Maps and Globes. We will make a map of our school and use it to find places in our building.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Monday Folder Stuffer: Kathleen Trail
Tuesday parent: Elizabeth Pooler
November 10th - Early Release @12:45pm
November 24th-26th- Thanksgiving Holiday
**Please clearly label your children's coats and sweaters. Quite a few of the students have been leaving their things in their cubbies or on the floor and they do not have names in them.
In Reading workshop this week we are studying Poetry. We will be learning about different types of Poetry and writing our own poetry as well! Take Home readers will come home Monday- Thursday.
In Writing Workshop we packed up our Launching Writing Workshop Folders and sent them home to share with our families. Some of the students asked it they could continue to work on stories at home. That would be fabulous! Our new unit on Small Moments began this week. We will focus on a short amount of time and write, in detail, about our experiences.
In Word Work our sound is long i. The long i sound is spelled i as in bike. (silent e at the end)
Sight word Vocabulary: of, has, for, want, little
spelling: like, five, ride, nine, time, bike
challenge: scarecrow, leaves
In Math we are continuing our unit on Learning Strategies for mastering basic facts. Our skill this week is counting on 2. We will be working in math stations and solving math problems using this strategy.
In Social Studies we are learning about maps and globes during our unit on My Community. We will be learning about cardinal directions, reading a map and using a map key.
Have a great week!
Monday, October 25, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Principal's Pride this week is John F.
Monday folder stuffer: Kathleen Trail
Tuesday Parent: Sergio's Grandma
Wednesday, October 27th-Pumpkin Carving with Dad: Mr. Lawhon
Friday, October 29th-Pumpkin Feast: Pumpkin Bread- Trail's and Pooler's, Pumpkin Pie- Waggoner's, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies- Burrow's
*We will also have Pajama Day on Friday as a fun "dress up" day for Halloween.
November 10th- Early Release Day
November 24-26- Thanksgiving Holiday
*Last Friday was the last day of the 1st nine weeks. Report cards will go home next Monday, November 1st.
In Reading Workshop this week we will be reading and learning about Pumpkins. Today Mrs. Duff came and read a Time For Kids Magazine with the students about Pumpkins. We will learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin and what pumpkins can be used to make. On Friday we will have our Pumpkin Feast in which the students will get to taste test different things made out of pumpkin. Your child will bring home their Take Home Reader Monday through Thursday of this week.
In Writer's Workshop we are finishing our first unit and celebrating our accomplishments in a very special Author's Chair on Friday! Your child will bring home their folder with their stories inside. Please remember, some pieces will be a work in progress and very few will be in a "published" state. When we discuss writing in the classroom we learn that real Authors don't publish everything they write, just their favorite pieces!
In Word Work our sound this week is the long a sound.
The (a) sound in a one syllable base word is spelled a as in cake. (*the silent e at the end make the vowel say it's name!)
Spelling Words: make, game, take, name, came, gave
Challenge words: pumpkin, Halloween
Sight word vocabulary: will, look, are, out, up
In Math we are beginning our unit on Learning math counting strategies for addition. We will work with basic facts and learn to start at a number and count on as a addition strategy. For example, 5+3= Start at 5 count on 3 which =8.
In Social Studies we began our unit on Our Community. We started by reading a Dr. Suess book about maps and globes and what each are used for. We will work toward reading maps and making a map of our school.
There will be no Show and Tell this week because we are meeting with our fifth grade buddies, Mrs. Creger's class.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, October 18, 2010
This week in First grade...
Monday folder stuffer for October: Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Charles Field
In Reader's Workshop this week we are reading books on our level and discussing our shared reading about Night Time Animals. Today we made a web of night animals and wrote down what they eat. We will be sharing more stories about Night Animals and working on reading strategies to improve comprehension. Next week we will be studying pumpkins and will have a Pumpkin Feast. I will send an email sign up sheet later this week for pumpkin items to send!
In Writer's Workshop we are winding down our Launching unit and discussing the details of publishing. Your child will bring home their folder from our first unit with their stories in it, next week. Please remember that as writers not all of their pieces will be finished and have perfect handwriting. We have learned that Authors do not publish all of their pieces, just the ones they like the best.
In Spelling our rule is the wh, ch sounds.
Spelling words: this, bath, white, that, when, with
Challenge words: whistle, ghost
Sight word vocabulary: so, no, him, what, we
In Math this week we are continuing our unit on basic math facts. We have stations set up around the room with games to reinforce facts and make learning fun. The students will also be working in small groups as we learn to record our math facts. In the mornings they will be solving word problems related to this and previous units.
In Social Studies this week we are studying landforms. Today we brainstormed a list of landforms and their characteristics. We read a book about deserts and started to write about what characteristics a desert has as a landform.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, October 11, 2010
This week in First grade...
-Oct. 14 Skate Night 6:30 p.m.
-Oct. 16 Caraway PTA Fall Carnival
-Oct. 17-23 Texas Native Plant Week
Monday folder stuffer: Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Elizabeth Pooler
Principal's Pride: Spencer M.
Thank you to everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me and discuss your child's progress during our conference!
This week in Language arts...
In Reading workshop we will be learning and reading about spiders! We'll be generating lists of spider facts and creating spiders to hang in our classroom. Take home readers will come home Tuesday- Thursday this week.
In Writer's Workshop we will be discussing how to publish our stories. We will have our first "Published" Author's chair on Friday!
In Work Work we are beginning our study on "H" friend words. This week we are working on "ch" and "sh".
Spelling words: she, chin, much, fish, chop, shop
Challenge: seasons and weather
Sight word vocabulary: with, help, go, let, her
In Math we are working on Addition and Subtraction Basic Fact fundamentals. We have been playing fun games to help us practice our math facts and working with other students in centers.
In Science we are wrapping up our unit on Natural Resources and will begin our Social Studies focus on Timelines and Calendars. Later in the week we will move onto Map Skills.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, October 4, 2010
This week in First Grade...
-October 11th: Conference Day/ Student Holiday
*If you have not signed up or notified me to schedule a conference please do so ASAP. I will begin assigning times after Wednesday.
-October 16th Caraway PTA Carnival
*Library is Friday!
Monday folder stuffer (October)- Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Sergio's Grandma
Principal's Pride this week is Nykaila A.
In Language Arts
During Reader's Workshop we are learning and reading about Bats. Today we read a magazine article, as a class, about the Mexican Free-Tailed bat colony that lives under the Congress Ave. bridge. Toward the end of the week we will begin working on recording our "Bat Facts" that we've learned. Please remember to remind your child to bring/take home their Take Home Reader each day, Monday-Thursday!
During Writer's Workshop this week we are working on Stretching Sounds and writing words. We will also discuss how to spell the best we can and move on! We will share one of our stories in the Author's Chair on Friday.
Word Work this week is a vowel review.
Spelling words: wig, mop, sat, bed, can, bug
Challenge words: properties, natural
Sight word Vocabulary: me, on, my, by, be
In Math this week we are beginning a unit on Addition and Subtraction, learning basic facts and strategies. We will practice subitizing, visual representation of numbers, and using numbers to help us solve problems. We will also work in math centers as we learn new strategies.
In Science this week we will study Soil. We will learn a song to help us remember what soil is made of and we will observe and describe different types of soil.
Show and Tell: Bring something made out of a natural resource.
Have a great week! The weather is beautiful!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, September 27, 2010
This week in First Grade...
- Wednesday, September 29th School Pictures
-This week is Education Go Get It Week!
Today- Caraway (school) shirt
Tuesday- wear sneakers or tennis shoes
Wednesday- wear a collegiate hat
Friday-wear a collegiate shirt
Principal's Pride Student of the week is Sergio!!
Thank you for being patient and kind with your classmates.
Monday folder stuffer (October)- Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday parent: Mr. Field
This week in Language Arts...
In Reading workshop we are going to learn our small group routines and learn how to get information from books. A new book will come home Monday- Thursday. Each child needs to be responsible for their book and baggie. They will bring it back each day. If they do not bring it to school they will not recieve a new book, so it's very important they bring it each day!
*Our Library Day is Friday! Please help your child remember their books!
In Writer's Workshop we are learning to stretch words as we sound them out to write and reread. We had our first Author's Chair sharing on Friday. Each student choose a story and read it to the class. I wrote an encouraging comment for each student on their story and it's in their Monday folders. We will do this until we learn to publish.
In Word Work this week we are studying the sound short o. We have started practicing our letters and sounds with our Language Deck. This is the beginning of our word study practice. I have completed a phonetic spelling inventory for each students and we will begin working on word sorts during small groups.
Rule: The (o) sound at the beginning or middle of a word is spelled o as in octopus.
Spelling Words: on, not, got, box, hot, top
Challenge words: resource, soil
Sight word vocabulary: at, as, jump, but, they
In Math we will continue to work on place value and discuss numbers. Today we learned to play a game called Guess My Number. I give two clues, such as "My number is more than 1 and less than 19." Then the students ask me questions using the vocabulary greater than and less than. They really enjoyed this game. Play it at home using a number line! We will work on identifying larger numbers and discussing greater then, less than and equal to with numbers to 100.
This week in Science we will continue our study on Natural Resources and Rocks. We will be measuring and weighing our rocks as we compare them.
Show and Tell on Friday: Free choice. Bring something that fits in your backpack.
Have a cool week!
Mrs. Caballero
Sunday, September 19, 2010
This week in First grade...
- No Fuss PTA fundraiser Picnic 6:00pm-7:30pm
- School picture day- September 29th
- Fall Conferences start next week
September Monday folder stuffer: Alex Loukas- Kristiana's mom
September 21st Tuesday parent:
In Language Arts
In Reader's workshop we will begin small groups! Assessments are complete and it's almost time for fall conferences. If you have not come by to sign up or e-mailed me with a time you would like please do so at your earliest convience.
Your child will bring home a "Take home Reader" starting Monday. Your child will bring home the same book, in a heavy duty ziploc, until they have mastered the vocabulary and comprehension assessment for each title. The "Take home Reader" is a book on your child's level of which they are expected to read during our small group instruction time, during One-on-one Reading Conferences and at home, to a parent. Your child will need to bring the book to school each day. The assessment process for moving on is self-paced and some students may have the opportunity to read a different title each night, Monday through Thursday. I impress upon my students the importance of responsibility. Please remind your child that it is their responsibility to bring their book back to school each day.
In Writer's Workshop we are learning to write sentences with our picture stories and stretch out hard-to-spell words as we write. Writer's workshop is made up of a minilesson/teaching time, a student discussion opportunity, a think, pair, share time to orally rehearse our thoughts and writing time. Each portion of writer's workshop allows the students to develop autonomy as writers.
In Word Study we will begin working on individualized instruction during small groups for word sorting and phonics skills. During our fall conference I will share an assessment with you from Words our Way, a spelling, word study and phonics curriculum that is based on the needs of individuals according to where they score developmentally.
The sound this week is Short e.
The Rule is: The (e) sound at the begining or middle of a word is spelled e as in echo.
Spelling words: get, ten, red, let, men, yes
Sight word Vocabulary: said, was, she, for, his
Challenge words: change, scientist
In Math we will begin working on Place Value. We will explore the concept of Place Value, grouping numbers in an organized fashion, by working with manipulatives and solving problems related to real life situations. Your child will be encouraged to work with the manipulatives and construct their own knowledge about the concept. We will later apply the concept to paper with our pencils. There will be a lot of student discussion on our thinking and learning!
In Science this week we will begin investigating the world around us during our unit on Earth and Space: Rocks, Soil and Water. We will begin with a discussion on where we find rocks. We will take a nature walk and explore the area around our school looking for rocks. We will then use scientific tools to investigate and observe the rocks we collect! All of our thinking and learning will be recorded in our Science Notebooks!
Have a great week! We're going to have beautiful weather!
Mrs. Caballero
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I love to Read...
Your child came home with a sheet in their yellow folder that was titled, "I love to Read". The directions on the sheet were to color in a space, in numerical order, after your child reads a book. During the quick paced Open House I forgot to mention this sheet. If your child is reading a chapter book they can count a chapter as a square/book. If you read a book to your child it counts as well. The idea behind the "I love to Read" sheet is to develop a love of reading and listening to reading. The students are motivated to read and color in squares because at the end, when everyone has turned in their sheets and read 100 books each, we will have a party to celebrate our accomplishments.
Keep encouraging your child to read aloud to you but also take the time to read to them!
Mrs. Caballero
P.S. Take home readers will start next week! They count too!
Monday, September 13, 2010
This week in First grade...
-Early Release September 15th- 12:45pm
-Family Science Night- September 16th
-No Fuss Fundraiser Picnic September 23rd 6:00pm-7:30pm
-School Picture Day September 29th
September Monday folder stuffer: Alex Loukas- Kristiana's mom
September 21st- Tuesday parent: Elizabeth Pooler
In Language Arts
This week in Reading workshop we will continue our shared reading unit on Big Books. We will start by reading Jack's Talents and making a class book about our talents. I will also continue the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), a reading assessment, to determine each child's individualized level. We will begin small groups for reading next week and take home readers will come home Monday- Thursday.
In Writer's Workshop we will be practicing our news skills and learning how writer's are really never done writing. We will focus on using supplies appropriately in our classroom.
In Spelling we are focusing on the short u sound.
Rule: The (u) sound in a syllable that ends with a consonant is spelled u as in cup.
Spelling words: up, us, but, fun, run, cut
Sight Vocabulary words: I, like, see, can, he
Challenge words: community, citizen
In math this week we will practice telling time to the hour and half hour. Please practice this skill at home! We will also be working on solving problems that involve time.
In Social Studies we will finish up our unit on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! Today we learned about different kinds of schools in our community! We watched a short clip on of Murray visiting an Irish Dance School. The students enjoyed seeing the kids learn to dance.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, September 6, 2010
This week in First grade
Once again, Thank you for a wonderful birthday surprise! I am thankful for such a great group of kids and parents!
Reminders:-Parent Orientation (Open House) is Tuesday, September 7th from 6:30pm-7:00pm. A short PTA meeting will follow from 7:00pm-7:30pm in the cafeteria.
- Early Release September 15th- 12:45pm
-Family Science Night- September 16th
-No Fuss Fundraiser Picnic September 23rd 6:00pm-7:30pm
-School Picture Day September 29th
*I am still in need of a parent to stuff Monday folders for the month of September. It is an at home job! I can send it with your child on Friday afternoon!
In Language Arts
This week in Reading workshop we will begin our shared reading unit on Big Books. We will start by reading Silly Sally and making a class book. I will also begin the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), a reading assessment, to determine each child's individualized level. After this is complete we will begin small groups and take home readers.
In Writer's Workshop we will be practicing our news skills and learning how writer's are really never done writing. We will focus on becoming indenpendant as writers in our classroom.
In Spelling we are focusing on the short i sound.
Rule: The (i) sound at the beginning or in the middle of a base word is spelled i as in itch.
Spelling words: in, it, him, big, sit, did
Sight Vocabulary words: in, is, you, that, it
Challenge words: Yesterday, Tomorrow
In math this week we will practice telling time and talk about why it's important that we can tell time on an analog and digital clock! In first grade we practice telling time to the hour and half hour. Please practice this skill at home!
In Social Studies we will begin our unit on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! We will start with a fold out project that we will complete in the classroom. We will learn about citizens from long ago, today and talk about how we can make a difference in the future!
Have a great week! It's a short one!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, August 30, 2010
This week in First Grade...
- Bring a healthy snack every day! *We do not have any severe peanut allergies in our class! Peanut butter and nuts are OK!
- PE is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- PLEASE sign up outside the classroom or through email to help volunteer. The kids love seeing you during the day, and it is such a big help for me, too. You can even help out from home! There is still a lot up for grabs!
Holly Harris was the August Monday Folder Stuffer, I am in need of someone to volunteer for September. Robin Pooler has volunteered to be a Tuesday Parent. Thanks Ladies!!!!
-No school Sept. 6th!
-Parent Orientation-Sept. 7th 6:30-7:00 followed by a PTA meeting 7:00-7:30.
In Language Arts...
For Reading workshop this week we are working on making our Nursery Rhyme book! We've been reading a different Nursery Rhyme each day and visualizing a picture in our heads as we listen to the words. We can't wait for everyone to see our books once they are done!
For Writer's Workshop we have learned about our materials and what writer's need to be successful. On Monday we will begin our very first, official, Writer's Workshop! We will be working on our unit, Launching Writer's Workshop, for the first six weeks of school! The folders, with your child's work for this unit, will stay here at school until the unit has been completed.
For Spelling we are learning about the short vowel a. In my classroom we use a program called Scientific Spelling. We learn a rule for the words we will practice spelling. The rules help children develop their spelling and reading abilities. We will have a Spelling test, including the sight word vocabulary, on Friday! At Parent Orientation we will discuss ways to practice spelling words at home!
Spelling words: an, at, can, had, man
The "a" sound in initial or medial (beginning or middle) position is spelled a as in apple.
Sight word vocabulary words: the, am, and, a, to
In Math we are working on creating and analyzing graphs. Last week we made a class graph of how we go home! It is hanging on our classroom door. This week we will be graphing different things like our favorite colors and favorite foods. We will begin our unit on telling time on Thursday by reading The Grouchy Ladybug.
In Social Studies we are learning about Citizenship and how communities work. We will practice being a good citizen in our classroom community. We will also learn about community helpers and leaders!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Thursday, August 26, 2010
First week 2010-2011
This week we've learned...
Our morning procedures and afternoon (dismissal) procedures.
Our classroom expectations.
Our school expectations.
How to always do our personal best!
We've practiced...
Writing about our experiences and our family!
Reading skills together!
Solving math problems!
Mental math strategies!
Each week I will write a newsletter that will be posted on this blog. The newsletter will include important information about our classroom, what we are learning and news from around the Caraway Community. Don't forget to check the blog every Monday for an update on what the Cowpokes are learning!!
Have a great weekend!!
Mrs. Caballero
P.S. If you have not designated a spot to meet your child after school please keep in mind that first grade will be walking outside, unless the weather is bad. We will exit the doors by my classroom, heading out to the flagpole side of the school. If you park and pick your child up or you walk home please consider meeting your child at the picnic tables on the flagpole side of the school! Also, when you have decided on a place to meet please e-mail me and let me know!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Starting a new year...2010-2011
Wow, I really can't believe how fast the summer went! I'm sure most of you parents out there are's been too long!! As a teacher, summer is never long enough. As a parent, I've enjoyed my summer with my daughter but I'm ready to get back into a routine.
The most important thing for your first grader this year is to get into a routine! The routine might consist of getting up around the same time each morning, getting dressed independently, having a healthy breakfast and heading off to school. When your child is at school he/she will have a very consistant routine that is predictable and stable. I encourage you to have a solid evening routine as well. This helps with bedtime issues and allows your child to get much needed rest! Have a time set aside for reading. Your child reading to you and you reading to your child. At my house we do this right before bed! Having time set aside for outside play and maybe even a little TV time will help your child get that energy out and rest their body!
Meet the Teacher will be Friday, August 20th at 8:30am-10:00am. If you purchased school supplies from the PTA they will be sitting on your child's desk. If you purchased them on your own please bring them that day. The only thing you will need to label with your child's name will be his/her pencil box.
See you on the first day of school, Tuesday, August 24th!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, May 24, 2010
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
I also want to thank everyone for a lovely Teacher Appreciation week. I am still enjoying the M&M's from chocolate day and so is my family! The flowers were lovely and stayed nice in my classroom the whole week. Of course, I always love Starbucks! My Caramel Frappachino was delicious and pepped me up for the day! My lunch from Chuy's was very tasty and I enjoyed reading the cards the children made. Thank you so much for your appreciation.
As much as you appreciate me, I appreciate you! I know that as parents you work very hard at home to get your child off to school and support their learning. I can see how much involvement you put into your child's education by the progress they make during the school year. Without loving, supportive parents my students would not be as successful as they have been this year. I'm so very proud of each of my students and how much they have grown this year! Thank you for all you do at home to support your child's education!
Mrs. Caballero
The last week in first grade...
Please turn in Spring Progress reports if you have not already.
Report cards will come home with your child on Friday.
Field Day is Wednesday, May 26th 8:15am-11:30am.
Please send your child with sunscreen on, a hat and tennis shoes. They may want to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into if they get sweaty! Volunteers are needed!!! Please contact Christy Higdon at
End of Year PARTY!!! Aloha!! Next Thursday, May 27th is our End-of-Year Luau Party!
Surfs up at Nate’s house, 6911 Bayridge Terr, from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Put on your grass skirts and coconut bras my friends, as we are going to hula into summer! We are going to keep the food simple with a quick pupu platter (that is Hawaiian for appetizer!) of fruit, cheese, and sausage. We ask for the kids to bring a sack lunch to eat at the party and we will provide fruit popsicles for dessert. Kids need to wear: Hawaiian/Flower shirts or surf attireKids need to bring: swimsuit, towel, flip-flops (or other water-proof shoes like sandals or crocs), sunscreen and sack lunch Of course, to make this simple Hawaiian extravaganza a reality, there needs to be a boat-load of parental participation! We need at least 4 parent volunteers to be there the entire time to help facilitate activities and heard kids. If you can only make it for half of the time, please indicate which hour and we will try to match you up with another parent to cover the other half! It’s easy, really! If you cannot join us for the fun, please sign up for one food, game or decorator item to donate towards the cause. All items should be delivered to the classroom by MONDAY May 24th, one week from today. The sign-up email will follow. You know how that works! Thanks so much for your help in organizing this fun time for the kids to wrap up the school year! Feel free to contact me with any questions… this email or 258-8208. Last day of school- May 28th!
*Cafeteria note: Students need to carry a balance in their lunch accounts for the remainder of the year. No lunches will be charged. If you child does not have enough money in their account they will have a cheese sandwich.*
In Reader's Workshop...
This week we will wrap up reading workshop with shared readings and a review of comprehension strategies for fiction and non-fiction.
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on writing our own fairy tale. We will be working through the writing process by brainstorming, making a rough draft, revising, editing and creating our final draft. We were not quite ready to share our fairy tales last week so we will be wrapping up our writing and sharing them as they are finished this week.
In Word Work...
We are assessing 1st grade sight words for the next 4 weeks! We're on list #4.
Spelling words: them, then, there, these, they, this, to, two, up, us, very, was, we, went, were, what, when, which, who, will, with, would, you, your
Challenge words: none
In Math...
We will continue our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!
In Social Studies...
We will continue our unit on Folktales, Tall Tales and Legends. We will finish up Tall Tales this week and wrap our genre study up with Legends. We will read The Legend of the Teddy Bear and write about our own experience with a teddy bear.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, May 17, 2010
Two weeks left in first grade...
Fairy Tale parade will be Wednesday, May 19th at 11:00am
Reader's Theater presentations Friday, May 21st at 8:30am in Mrs. Caballero's classroom.
End of Year Progress Reports will go home on Monday, May 17th and are due back Friday, May 21st.
Field Day is Wednesday, May 26th 8:15am- Please send your child with sunscreen on, a hat and tennis shoes. They may want to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into if they get sweaty! Volunteers are needed!!! Please contact Christy Higdon at
End of Year PARTY!!!
Aloha!! Next Thursday, May 27th is our End-of-Year Luau Party! Surfs up at Nate’s house, 6911 Bayridge Terr, from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Put on your grass skirts and coconut bras my friends, as we are going to hula into summer! We are going to keep the food simple with a quick pupu platter (that is Hawaiian for appetizer!) of fruit, cheese, and sausage. We ask for the kids to bring a sack lunch to eat at the party and we will provide fruit popsicles for dessert. Kids need to wear: Hawaiian/Flower shirts or surf attireKids need to bring: swimsuit, towel, flip-flops (or other water-proof shoes like sandals or crocs), sunscreen and sack lunch Of course, to make this simple Hawaiian extravaganza a reality, there needs to be a boat-load of parental participation! We need at least 4 parent volunteers to be there the entire time to help facilitate activities and heard kids. If you can only make it for half of the time, please indicate which hour and we will try to match you up with another parent to cover the other half! It’s easy, really! If you cannot join us for the fun, please sign up for one food, game or decorator item to donate towards the cause. All items should be delivered to the classroom by MONDAY May 24th, one week from today. The sign-up email will follow. You know how that works! Thanks so much for your help in organizing this fun time for the kids to wrap up the school year! Feel free to contact me with any questions… this email or 258-8208.
Last day of school- May 28th!
*Cafeteria note: Students need to carry a balance in their lunch accounts for the remainder of the year. No lunches will be charged. If you child does not have enough money in their account they will have a cheese sandwich.*
In Reader's Workshop...
This week we will be preparing for our Reader's Theater presentation on Friday. You are invited to come to the classroom at 8:30am on Friday, May 21st to see the students perform "Dinorella" and "The Frog Prince Continued".
Please help your child practice their lines this week. They are not responsible for memorizing their lines just being able to read them with ease, loudly and clearly.
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on writing our own fairy tale. We will be working through the writing process by brainstorming, making a rough draft, revising, editing and creating our final draft. We will share our fairy tale the day we are dressed up for our fairy tale parade. The Fairy Tale parade will be Wednesday, May 19th at 11:00am. There will be a note in your child's Monday folder!
In Word Work...
We are assessing 1st grade sight words for the next 4 weeks! We're on list #3.
Spelling words: may, me, mom, my, no, not, now, of, off, on, one, other, our, out, over, put, said, saw, see, so, some, then, that, the, their
Challenge words: none
In Math...
We will continue our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!
In Social Studies...
We will continue our unit on Folktales, Tall Tales and Legends. We will learn about the elements of each and how they are related. We will read many different stories from each genre and work on a comprehension based activity to follow the story. This week we are reading tall tales about Paul Buyan and Pecos Bill, to name a few!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, May 10, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Parent Input Forms are due by Monday, May 17th.
Fairy Tale parade will be Wednesday, May 19th at 11:00am
End of Year Progress Reports will go home on Monday, May 17th and are due back Friday, May 21st.
Field Day is Wednesday, May 26th 8:15am- Please send your child with sunscreen on, a hat and tennis shoes. They may want to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into if they get sweaty!
Last day of school- May 28th!
*Cafeteria note: Students need to carry a balance in their lunch accounts for the remainder of the year. No lunches will be charged. If you child does not have enough money in their account they will have a cheese sandwich.*
Principal's Pride...
Dinah B.
Dinah is a talented writer. She works with her writing partner and helps give her "good feelings" about her writing. What a great friend!
Maci C.
Maci has been very brave all year. I'm so proud of how she comes into school independently!
Adalisse L.
Adalisse works hard and always does her best! Adalisse is a great friend to her classmates!
In Reader's Workshop...
This will be our last week with Take home readers. We will be reading a variety of stories for this week.
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on writing our own fairy tale. We will be working through the writing process by brainstorming, making a rough draft, revising, editing and creating our final draft. We will share our fairy tale the day we are dressed up for our fairy tale parade. The Fairy Tale parade will be Wednesday, May 19th at 11:00am. There will be a note in your child's Monday folder!
In Word Work...
We are assessing 1st grade sight words for the next 4 weeks!
Spelling words: going, got, had, has, have, he, her, him, his, house, how, I, if, in, into, is, it, it's, just, like, little, look, make, man, many
Challenge words: none
In Math...
We will continue our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!
In Social Studies...
We are beginning our unit on Folktales, Tall Tales and Legends. We will learn about the elements of each and how they are related. We will read many different stories from each genre and work on a comprehension based activity to follow the story.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, May 3, 2010
This week in first grade...
Early Release- May 5th
Last day of school- May 28th!
Principal's Pride...
John A.
John has worked very hard this year! He helped us all learn more about Jaguars during our animal research.
Dinah B.
Dinah is a talented writer. She works with her writing partner and helps give her "good feelings" about her writing. What a great friend!
In Reader's Workshop...
We are books about Community workers! We will be celebrating Career Day on Friday and discussing what we want our career's to be in the future!
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures. We are paying special attention to spelling our word wall words correctly and write all sentences with correct capitalization and punctuation.
In Word Work...
We are assessing 1st grade sight words for the next 4 weeks!
Spelling words: a, about, after, all, an, and, are, as, at, be, because, been, but, by, came, come, could, day, did, do, down, for, from, get, go
Challenge words: none
In Math...
We will continue our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!
In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. This week we are focusing on interdependance. How do plants help animals in certain habitats! We will learn about plants in the desert, rainforest, artic regions, plains, and the ocean.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Friday, April 23, 2010
This week in First grade...
TAKS testing - no parents in the building T,W & Th
Early Release- May 5th
Principal's Pride...
Ashmal M.
Ashmal shares his love of Texas sports with us! He is especially proud of his picture with Jordan Shipley. Hook'em Horns!
Elena VM.
Elena is a hard worker! She loves all things science and share facts with her classmates!
In Reader's Workshop...
We are reading and learning about current events with Time for Kids!
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures.
In Word Work...
We are studying contractions this week.
Spelling words: don't, won't, I'm, it's, can't, wasn't, they've, we've
Challenge words: fairy, tale
In Math...
We will begin our big unit on Addition and Subtraction with problem solving. The students will be solving problems to help them prepare for 2nd grade!
In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. We will study the parts of the plant and their functions, this week. We will focus on the Life cycle of plants and compare it to that of an animal.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This week in First grade...
TAKS testing next week- no parents in the building T,W & Th
Early Release- May 5th
Principal's Pride...
Bryce F.
Bryce is an outstanding ball player! He loves to share stories about his games with his classmates! I can't wait to see you in the major leagues!
Dana M.
Dana is a super-duper sweetheart! She loves to help in the classroom and gives extra special triple-hugs every afternoon!
In Reader's Workshop...
We are focusing on Earth day this week. On Thursday we will have a whole day devoted to saving our Earth! We are also reading fun fiction as shared readings this week. We are focusing on character traits. We read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes yesterday and discussed how Chrysanthemum loved her name at the beginning of the story but soon changed her feelings.
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising stories by rereading, adding details, adding adjectives and even adding details to our pictures.
In Word Work...
We are studying compound words this week. Words: bathtub, sunshine, pancake, butterfly, desktop, outside, inside Challenge: cycle, Earth
In Math...
We will continue to discuss probability. We are focusing on the use of vocabulary such as certain, impossible, more likely, less likely. We are also gathering data and independantly making a tally chart and representing our data on a graph.
In Science...
We are continuing our unit on Plants. We will study the parts of the plant and their functions, this week. We will focus on the Life cycle of plants and compare it to that of an animal.
Have a great week! Mrs. Caballero
Friday, April 9, 2010
This week in First grade...
Please return report card folders if you have not already.
We are studying seeds this week in science. Please see the note below about sending a seed/seeds with your child.
Early Release- May 5th
Rebecca W. Rebecca is a helpful student and a thoughtful classmate. She shares her love for animals with all of us!
Ben C.
Ben gives his best effort in everything he does. He is an especially good thinker!!
In Reader's Workshop...
We began working with new groups and are bringing home books that are on our instructional/frustrational levels. Please see the sticky note or book mark for Take home reader assignments.
In Writer's Workshop...
During writer's workshop we are working on revising and editing our work with the help of our partners.
In Word Work...
We are studying compound words this week.
Words: airplane, cupcake, cowboy, jellyfish, tiptoe, backpack, rainbow
Challenge: Plants, root
In Math...
We will continue to discuss probability. We are focusing on the use of vocabulary such as certain, impossible, more likely, less likely.
In Science...
We are beginning our unit on Plants. We will start by learning about seeds. Please send a seed/seeds with your child by Thursday. Please put them in a plastic baggie and label them. Also, have your child brainstorm what kind of seed to bring. I prefer that the students bring a seed/seeds from something you have at home, a fruit, a veggie, from outside (acorn). Be creative!!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, April 5, 2010
This week in First grade...
-TAKS for the upper grades is this Tuesday and Wednesday. We will not be able to have parent helpers during those days! Thanks so much for your hard work and we'll see you next week!
-Last chance to get a Birthday Book. If you would like more information please e-mail me!
-Animal Reports are due tomorrow, April 6th.
-Book orders are due Wednesday, April 7th.
Principal's Pride...
Angel S.
Angel has adjusted well to his new first grade class! We're so happy to have him!
Mason H.
Mason is a funny guy! He cracks me up every afternoon as we walk down the hall to the daycare buses!
In Reader's Workshop...
We are studying historical fiction! Today we read Almost to Freedom, a book written from the point of view of a doll as she witnessed injustice. Tomorrow we will read Apples to Oregon, a book about a pioneer family's journey across the plains.
In Writer's workshop..
We got our writing folders ready for our new lessons and the students will have their Small Moments stories in their Monday folders. Please keep in mind these are all rough drafts.
In Word Work...
We are studying verbs!
Spelling words: verb, swimming, running, jumping, playing, walking, strolling, hiking, skating, cooking
Challenge words: Rainforest, Desert
In Math..
We completed our unit assessment on Fractions after a review today. Please remember I keep all of their assessments in a folder that you are always welcome to come and review.
In Science...
We are learning about animals in their habitats! Last week we learned about the Rainforest and this week we will be learning about animals that live in the desert, artic regions, coral reefs and plains.
*Animal projects are due tomorrow! We can't wait to hear what everyone learned!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, March 29, 2010
This week in First grade...
-Please send back your child's report card folder if you have not done so.
-Animal Reports are due Monday, April 6th.
-No school this Friday, April 2nd.
-March reading calendars will be removed from the folders on Thursday. Please make sure
you've helped your child record their minutes.
In Reader's workshop this week...
We will be reading stories about habitats and animals. Please remind your child to bring their take home readers back each day. Later this week we will incorporate our learning into our science lesson on habitats and recreate a Rainforest in our classroom. We will also continue our unit on poetry. This week we will learn about Haiku and Limerick. We will write class poems and our own poem for our poem book.
In Writer's workshop...
We will be working on descriptive writing. The students will think of adjectives to use to describe things (animals). At the end of the week the students will write a descriptive paragraph (3-5 sentences) about themselves. Look for these in the hallway!
In Spelling...
Words: find, come, slow, things, night, eat, may, after, again, thank
Challenge words: mammal, fraction
A note will come home today along with your child's pre and post tests from last week! Please look for those in your child's Monday folder.
In Math...
We will continue our unit on Fractions. Today we learned about making fourths. We folded and cut paper to glue into our math notebooks to show fourths. We will begin learning how to describe fractions using the phrase, "____ out of ____ are..." In first grade students are not responsible for writing formal fractions to describe sets of objects. We will practice describing sets of objects using phrases.
In Science...
We are going to learn about Mammals this week! We will read books and write the facts we learn about mammals on our class chart. On Thursday we will begin talking about how animals in specific habitats depend on each other and their surroundings to live.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Monday, March 22, 2010
This week in first grade...
Report cards went home today!
Send a piece of fruit with your child to school Tuesday, March 23. We will be talking about fractions and using fruit to learn about halves.
In Reader's Workshop...
We will continue to send home take home reader's each night. Please be sure to read these books each night with your child and send them back the next day!!
We are starting our unit on Poetry! We will discuss different types of poems, the characteristics of poems, work on class poems, and each student will write individual poems. On Friday, we will have a chance to share our poems with the class!
In Writer's Workshop...
We are working on making our writing readable for readers. We will go over using sight words, putting space between words, focusing our stories on the main idea, learn some more sight words and how to use the word wall.
We will begin having spelling pre-tests and post-tests. The pre-test will be given on Monday and the post-test will be given on Friday.
Our words for this week are: said, they, what, little, could, were, friend, your, does, would, goes, know, every, their, asked
Challenge words are amphibians and reptiles
In math...
We are starting our unit on fractions! We will start off by talking about halves. On Tuesday, please send a piece of fruit with your child. We will be cutting these in halves and discussing what we see. (Are they equal? Why or why not?) Towards the end of the week we will begin talking about thirds and fourths.
In science...
We will continue our study on animals. This week we are talking about amphibians and reptiles.
On Tuesday we will send home the animal research packet. This is to be done at home. More information to go home on Tuesday.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Monday, March 8, 2010
This Week in First Grade...
Field Trip Tuesday March 9!! Please have your child wear long pants and tennis shoes. If they have a Caraway shirt, please have them wear it.
Bring a sack lunch and make sure everything can be thrown away, nothing will be coming back with us!
Hello, all! It’s time for our whirlwind fundraising week for our new butterfly-hummingbird habitat, the O.W.L. (Outdoor Wildlife Lab). Our stonework is going in this week – now we need to raise money fast in order to make sure we have enough soil, plants, and mulch to fill up our big garden on Dig Day. In this Monday’s folder, there are flyers with envelopes and leaves attached to them. As students return the envelopes with donations and their names on the leaves, the leaves get added to our Giving Tree. The more leaves on the Giving Tree, the more beautiful it will become. And as we raise money, watch the Fundflower start to bloom!
Now here’s the big part –any class that returns all their students’ leaves with their donations by Friday, March 12, is going to get a special prize! So we are asking your help to get the word out – please talk to your students each day, send e-mail to your students’ parents, add messages to your blogs, and so on! March 12 is a pretty fast turnaround!
The following week is Spring Break, and the week after that is when we need our plants and soil – time is of the essence!
We are very grateful for all your help,
Caraway’s Habitat Team
Report cards will go home Monday March 22.
Wednesday, March 10 is an Early Release Day. Students will be released at 12:45.
Spring Break starts next week!! (March 15-19) Hope everyone enjoys the week! Let's hope for good weather.
In Reader's Workshop...
We are still sending home take-home readers every night. Please have your child read and bring them back the next day. We are having several issues with books not coming back. If your child does not bring their book back, they will not be able to take home the next one and will be behind when we read in class.
In Writer's Workshop...
We finished our unit on Small Moment Writing. Last Friday, the class had an opportunity to share a finished piece with the class. We will start this week with writing about chicks and start our unit on Writing for Readers.
In word work we will talk about blends and nouns.
Spelling: glove, dragon, stool, train, crust, drip
Challenge: service, measurement
Vocabulary: all, then, end, oil, have
In math...
We will continue time with estimating how long things take. We will determine if things take about a minute, about an hour, about a day, etc. Our next unit will be fractions, which will start after Spring Break.
In Science...
Our eggs hatched!!!!!! We had a total of 5 eggs hatch and will be taking them with us on our field trip tomorrow to Elgin Christmas Tree Farm. We are studying the different types of animals and will begin animal research after Spring Break.
Have a great week and Spring Break!
Monday, March 1, 2010
This week in first grade...
Thank you so much for the suprise Half Birthday party! I was so touched by all the the students gifts and cards. What a surprise!
Family Dinner Night is this Saturday (March 6)
Our Field Trip to Elgin Christmas Tree Farm is March 9th. We will be leaving at 9 am and returning around 2 pm. Make sure you get your permission forms in!
Early Release Day- March 10th
In Reader's Workshop...
Take home readers will continue to go home. Please return each book the next day so that your child may take home a new book. If the book doesn't come back, I will not issue a new book until it does. We will continue to work on making connections with all of the books that we will read.
In Writing Workshop...
We are working on focusing on the main idea when we write our stories. Also, we are going to be revising and editing our stories with our writing partners.
In word work this week we are learning about words that have "qu", a soft "c" and a soft "q".
Spelling words: queen, quilt, cent, price, gym
Challenge: quarter and giraffe
Vocabulary: one, here, asked, their, take
In Math...
We are starting our unit on time!
In Science...
We will continue our animal study this week learning about fish. We will start reading about chicks and birds in hopes that our chicks hatch at the end of the week. We will post pictures if and when anything happens!
Hope you have a great week!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Literacy Development
Monday, February 22, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Tuesday is International Family Fair night!! Come out and join us at 6:30.
March 9th -Field Trip to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm. Permission forms went home Monday. Please sign and return those by March 1st so that your child may join us!
In reader's workshop...
Take home readers will go home each night. Please read with your child and return each day. We are going to work on Making Connections with each story we read. As we read, we will analyze and connect what we are reading with what we already know or what has happened in our life.
In writer's workshop...
We are learning how to tell our stories with partners using our fingers. We will concentrate on the most important part of our stories towards the end of the week.
In word work this week we are learning about words that end in a long "y" that make the ee sound.
Spelling words: baby, very, windy, story, family, money
Challenge words: research, animal
Vocabulary: know, find, why, every, been
In math...
We are beginning our unit on length and measurement. We are learning about area, weight, capacity, and temperature of different things around our room. We will compare different objects with each of these learning categories.
In social studies...
We are wrapping up our unit on historical figures within the nation, state, and community. We are learning about people like Alexander G. Bell, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Rick Perry, Lady Bird Johnson, and many more.
In science...
On Wednesday, we will start our unit on animals. We will being by talking about living versus non-living things. We will then start talking about mammals and birds.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
This week in first grade...

Here are some pictures from Chocolate Fever day!
February 18th is Science Night! Come and check it out!
February 23rd at 6:30 is our Family International Night. Come stop will be a fun experience.
March 9th -Field Trip to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm
March 10th will be an Early Release Day
March 15th-19th is Spring Break.
Reminder: Book orders are due Friday!
In reader's workshop...
Take home readers will continue to go home each night. Please remember to read these and send them back the next day so that we may go over them in class.
In writer's workshop...
We will continue working on sketching rather than drawing and using details in our writing. We will work with partners telling each other stories.
In word work this week we will learn about words with the oo sound.
Spelling words: hoop, look, shook, foot, boost, school
Challenge words: February, president
Vocabulary words: would, first, two, goes, how
In math...
We will begin our unit on length. We will use non-standard measurements to measure different things around our room.
In Social Studies...
We will start our week learning about President's Day and different influential historical figures of the past. We will learn about George Washington, Alexander G. Bell, and Thomas Edison.
In Science...
Our chicks are here!! We will be incubating a dozen eggs in hopes of hatching happy and healthy chicks. We will be delivering them to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm when we go on our spring field trip on March 9th.
Have a great week!
Monday, February 8, 2010
This week in first grade...
Dana Mewhinney: Dana has been so sweet to help our new student learn more about our school!
Cyrus Soleimani: Cyrus is working hard toward achieving his goals! I'm very proud of you Cyrus!
Wednesday is a HALF-DAY. Students will be released at 12:45.
Thursday is Pajama Day! Your child may come to school dressed in their pajamas for our Chocolate Fever Celebration.
Friday is Chocolate Fever/Valentine's Party! 1:45 to 2:45. We sent a note home last week about what is needed for the Valentine's Party. Please bring your assigned item and shoe box to decorate by Wednesday.
I will be taking over book orders for the time that I will be here. Book orders will go home Monday and need to be returned no later than February 19. Orders can also be placed online.
Our user name is: firstgradecowpokes
Our password is: caballero
In Reader's Workshop...
Take home readers will go home each night and need to be brought back every day. I will send home the harder book (frustrational level) on Monday and the books will get easier (to their independent level) as the week progresses.
In Writer's Workshop...
We will be learning about sketching instead of drawing and adding details into our writing. Sketching will allow us to spend more time actually writing instead of drawing. Adding details will help make our stories more interesting for the reader.
In word work this week we will learn about words with the ou/ow sound.
Spelling words: ouch, house, loud, how, clown, down
Vocab: father, where, into, home, after
Challenge words: Valentine, heart
In math...
We will wrap up our unit on Money and talk about doubles facts before beginning our next unit on length and measuring.
In Social Studies...
We wrapped up our Texas Unit last week and will begin our unit on USA. We will learn about many different USA symbols.
Have a great week!
Ms. Ham
Monday, February 1, 2010
This week in First grade...
PE Program - Tuesday, February 2nd at 7pm.
Early Release day: February 10th
Chocolate Fever/ Valentine party: Friday, February 12th 1:45pm-2:45pm
Family Dinner Night: March 7th
Early Release Day: March 10th
Spring Break: March 15th-19th This website has been set up by our district to improve technology skills for our students. I will send home a letter with more details. I will put your child's login ID and password on an index card so that they can access the website at home.
In Reader's Workshop...
We are studying Texas Literature. Fiction and Non-Fiction to learn about Texas's heritage and culture. We had a RAN (Reading and Analyzing Non-Fiction) chart up in our room so that we can keep track of our learning and investigate things we are wondering about. We will also delve into different genres like Fairy Tales and Folktales and discuss how authors use information in many ways.
Take home readers will go home each day (Mon-Wed) and will be on an increasingly more difficult level each night.
In Writer's Workshop...
We are working with our partners on our small moments stories. We are also reviewing concepts that we have previously learned to prepare us for our next unit, Revision.
In word work this week, we will be learning words with the aw/au sound and also words with the ell/all sound.
Spelling words: saw, awful, small, shell, hall, auto
Challenge words: money, America
We will continue our collaborative unit on Money this week. Each of the students are in differentiated groups working on different aspects of money.
On the 101st day of school, we will have a variety of stations that have to do with 101. We will use the 101 items that are brought from home and sort them using a tens chart. Some other centers include guessing how many M&M's are in a jar, solving 101 math problems with a group, finding 101 words around the room, filling in 101 missing numbers, making a class book with 101 pages, and many more. At the conclusion of our centers, we will be watching 101 Dalmatians! This will be a fun-filled day!
In social studies...
We will continue our unit on Texas learning about the flag, pledge, state motto, and some famous Texans. On Thursday, we will have a chili tasteoff! If you would like to volunteer to make some chili to bring for our tasteoff, please e-mail me. Tomorrow, Tuesday, we will be dressing like cowboys and cowgirls. Please bring tennis shoes for PE!!!!
Have a great week!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
This week in First grade...
This week for Principal's Pride...
Hibiki G.
For being a good friend, a great classmate and a smiling, happy student! We will miss you!
I will have a subsitute, Mrs. Lieurance, on Wednesday. My daycare will be closed so I will be spending the day with my sweet girl!
In Reader's Workshop...
We will be learning to synthesize texts this week. I will post a "how to..." next week so that you can practice this reading strategy at home.
Take home readers are packed and ready to come home today. Please send them back each day. The students are working on comprehension strategies and will have three different books each week to read. The books will be on an independant level, instructional level and frustrational level.
In Word Work...
We will be working on Vowel-r syllables or bossy r's. These are syllables where the vowel is controlled by the r and makes an unexpected sound.
Word Work words: church, turn, first, girl, summer, her, were, very, play, walk, stop
Vocabulary words: your, down, friend, who, them
Challenge words: Texas, picture
In Writer's Workshop...
We will be working with our partners on developing ideas for Small Moments stories and getting them down on paper! We will also begin stretching our words to help us spell things more correctly. This is a very difficult skill for first graders so I do not expect them to be spelling every work correctly by the end of the year. The students will be chosing a story to publish at the end of this week and they will be hanging outside our classroom! They are becoming wonderful authors!
In math...
We will be working on learning about coins and counting small amounts of money. We will be dividing the students into groups according to a pre-assessment and the students will go to various 1st grade classroom to work with another teacher and other students.
In Social Studies...
We will begin our Texas unit this week. We will learn all about Texas!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
This week in First grade...
You have, by now, found new calendars for January in your child's take home (daily) folder. The expectation is that they read 10-15 minutes aloud, nightly (5 days a week; 200+ minutes / month) to improve their reading fluency, comprehension and overall self esteem as readers. Please record the number of minutes on the appropriate date. I will take the calendars out at the end of the month and replace them with the new months calendar. Tomorrow I will announce to the students that it is also part of their responsibility as a growing 1st grade to make sure their reading minutes are recorded. At the end of the school year we will have a reading party for the students who met their reading goal from January to mid May.
On Monday we will be welcoming a new person to our classroom. Ms. Brittney Ham, a student teacher from Texas State University, will be joining our class to share in the learning experience. She will gradually take over teaching with my assistance and guidance for about 8 weeks. After that she will take full responsibility over teaching and planning lessons for 2 weeks and then gradually I will take over the responsibilities as she phases out her experience. She will be with us until the end of April. I'm very excited for the students to get to work with her!
This week in Reader's workshop...
We are reading biographies about men and women who lead the Civil Rights movement. We are making connections to events that have happened in our own lives that made us feel not as important as someone else.
Take home readers will begin coming home each day (Monday-Wednesday) with new books each day. The students will be working on a strategy for comprehension through a genre that we will study. Please help your child remember to read their book each night and bring it back for a new one the next day. Two days a week the students have free choice home reading.
In Work Work...
We are reviewing vowel pairs this week. No words.
In Writer's Workshop...
Our little writers have been introduced to their writing partners. Each partner set has a "partner place" in the classroom where they go to work. We discussed the importance of having the right tools for writing so it's just as important to have a buddy also. The students agree on who is partner one and who is partner two. They read each other their stories and ask each other two questions, "Are you done with your story or will you add more?" "How will it go?" They also give feedback to each other about their story. This will help the students write as readers and read like writers.
In math...
We will wrap up our unit on 2D and 3D shapes. We will have a short assessment at the end of the week. We will begin our unit on money next Monday. This unit will cover identifying money and counting small equal amounts (i.e. 1 nickel is 5 pennies). We will also be grouping the students according to ability level, as determined by a pre-assessment, and the students will be going to another classroom to work with a different teacher and group of students. This will allow for focused instruction based on what the students already know.
In Science...
We are learning about Systems and how parts of an object work together. For example, a train and it's parts are a system. Without wheels to go on the track a train would not work properly. Today the students wrote what they thought a system was on a sticky note and also tried to think of an example of a system after we did a little background reading.
On Friday we will have Show and Tell in the afternoon. Please assist your child in finding an example of a system to bring. They will need to be able to explain it's parts and how they work together.
Monday, January 11, 2010
This week in First grade...
Report cards will go home today!
Last week we completed our unit on the Chinese New Year celebration. The students did a wonderful job of making our Chinese dragon. When it came time for our dragon parade on Friday they were so excited. I am using this lesson/unit for a National Board Entry that deals with Social Studies and the Arts. We videotaped a short portion of the dragon dance and as soon as I get it converted to a digital format I will post it on the website. I was so proud of the students and their hard work!
In Reader's workshop...
There will be no take home readers this week. I will be completing assessments and evaluating all of the students progress so far this year. After assessments are complete I will send home a progress report updating you on how your child is doing.
We will continue learning about biographies and the people they are about. Today we learned about Harriet Tubman and why she was a brave woman.
In Writer's Workshop...
We will continue our work on writing "small moments" stories. I've been modeling what a small moments story looks and sounds like each day.
In Spelling...
We began an assessment to identify levels of spelling abilities. The students were given a short spelling test to assess their knowledge of phonemes (individual sounds) and how they go together to make words. After the assessments are complete we will begin a program called Words Their Way. This program is designed to be used with students who are leveled into flexible groups to work on spelling through games and interactive lessons. They will begin at a level that will challenge them as individuals so that they can progress throughout the year.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
In Math...
We will continue to learn about shapes and their attributes. Today we are making a shape poster to advertise a shape by drawing a picture of it and describing it. We made a list last week of 2D and 3D shapes to have up in our room as we learn about them.
In Social Studies...
We will be wrapping up our unit on Economics. This week we will talk about how to earn money and businesses.
Stay warm!
Mrs. Caballero
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This week in First Grade...
Science Fair forms are due Jan 11th
This week in Reader's Workshop...
We are reading and learning about the Chinese New Year! On Thursday we are going to make our own Chinese Dragon and dance him around 1st grade at the end of the day on Friday. The students are so excited to learn about different cultures and take part in some of their traditions.
We will also be reading about famous people and learning about biographies for the next two weeks. Today we started by discussing Abraham Lincoln.
This week in Word Work...
We are learning about tricky vowels. The saying is. "When two vowels go a walkin' the first one does the talkin' ". It's cute and helps them remember how to spell words with vowel pairs.
Word Work words: float, boat, coat, throat, cloak
Vocabulary words: boy, could, here, red, old
Challenge words: biography, service
In Writer's Workshop...
We have started to think about stretching small moments. We read a few excerpts from A Chair for my Mother by Vera B. Williams. We really listened to how she added a lot of details to help the reader visualize what was going on. We practiced by first verbally rehearsing with a partner to put our stories into words then by writing our words with a lot of detail and drawing a picture plan to help us pick details out.
In Math...
We began our unit on two dimensional and three dimensional shapes. We will learn about the attributes of the shapes and that you can put shapes together to make new shapes.
In Social Studies...
We began our unit on Economics. We will first discuss wants versus needs then we we learn about good and services and how to tell the difference between the two.
Have a warm week!
Mrs. Caballero