Monday, November 30, 2009

This week in First Grade...

The countdown is on! The students are very excited about all of the fun things we will learn during the next three weeks.

In Reader's workshop this week...
We will begin our Giving Unit and our study of holidays around the world. If you have anything at home that would be interesting to share with the class that has to do with holidays around the world please feel free to send it to school! The students read their take home reader yesterday and packed it up! We will also be switching the reading calendars out today.

In Writer's Workshop this week...

We will be writing stories and focusing on the organization of our thoughts. We practiced drawing our picture plan with three parts, a beginning, a middle and an end. We will continue to write stories, publish them and share them with the class.

In Word Work this week:

Spelling sound: ee

Word work words: seed, tee, free, glee, tree, green

Vocab words: some, good, if, not, good

Challenge words: wreath, giving

In math this week...

We will continue our unit of comparing and ordering numbers. Yesterday we read a holiday story and decided to make a class counting book. Each student got a "secret number" and illustrated their page with that number of items. Today the students will compare each others numbers and put our book in order from least to greatest. We will also begin studying fact families this week! Come by and see our fact families houses later this week.

In Science this week...

We will continue to learn about rocks. We made a RAN chart last week to help us organize our learning. Yesterday we were able to move some of the "Things we think we know" to "Confirmed, We know it!" We even had a few scientists in our class learn new things and put a sticky note up under "New Information". What bright young scientists we have!


Early Release- December 9th

Monday Folders for the month of December: Debbie Siegel

Tuesday Parent: Shelby Soleimani

Science Fair note and form went home on Monday.

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