Sunday, September 30, 2018

October 1-5 in Kindergarten...

Hello Families!

Math Rotations are going so well! We have focused on how important it is to be independent during rotations.  We go through each part of the stations before we start. On Friday we focused on being independent.  The boys and girls did so well! I was so proud of them! Here is a snap shot of what our rotation board looks like! 

Just a reminder...
We are honoring students in our class as our Star Student of the Week each week.  Please see the schedule here! This week we are honoring Ruhi!

Monday (10/1): Life Skill: Perseverance Ceremony @ 7:35am
Tuesday (10/2): Library Check out.  Please help your child remember to return their                                                                                                                          library book.
                         Tuesday folders will come home.  Please sign and return Wednesday.
Wednesday (10/3): 
Thursday (10/4):
Friday (10/5): Caraway Academy 7:45am-8:45am
                       Have a great weekend!  

Saturday (10/6):  Bike Rodeo- Carlwood Parking Lot

No School for Students October 8th and 9th.

Please remember to sign up for a conference.  This is a 20 minute time slot devoted to a discussion about your child and his/her goals for this school year.  If you need to schedule a phone conference please indicate that in the notes of the sign up. I will send paper reminders!  I would love to have conferences wrapped up by October 9th! 

This week in Kindergarten...
Did you know that we use GoNoodle each day to get our wiggles out and give our brains a little break! GoNoodle is an amazing resource provided by Dell Children's Hospital to local Elementary schools.  You can get a free account to use at home as well.  Just visit the website to get started! 

In Writing Workshop...
We will continue working on telling our stories through our illustrations and begin to add words to our stories.  This week we will focus on making a picture in our minds then drawing it on paper, making our ideas clearer and using finger (or popsicle stick) spaces between our words.  We are writing and sharing amazing stories!

In Reading Workshop...
We will continue to talk about things that Strong Readers do! We will learn that stories have parts such as characters, setting and plot. Strong readers can retell a story using characters names, talk about where the story takes place and details about the plot.  For example, Goldilocks and the Three Bears has Goldilocks, Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear as characters.  The setting for the story is at the Bear's House in the Forest.  The plot of the story is Goldilocks goes into the bears house and uses their things, the bears come home and find her then Goldilocks runs away!

In Phonics...
We are exploring how sentences are formed with words.  We notice that sentences start with a capital letter and end with a period.  We will continue to look for the words we use frequently!  When we discover these words will will put them on our word wall.  This weeks Word Wall focus words are "am" and "like"!

In Math...
This week we will continue Math Workshop rotations each day.   At the teacher table we will be working with 2 dimensional shapes! We will be sorting and discovering what makes the shapes different and the same.  This will begin our unit on Geometry and Data Collecting.

In Science...
This week we will being our unit on Forms of Energy.  This week we will explore Sound! We will take a discovery walk as we listen for sound energy around our school.  We will take notes in our Science Notebook like real scientists! 

This week's Life Skill is Perseverance! Keep trying and don't give up!

Have a great week!

Friday, September 21, 2018