Feb. 29-March 4
Thank you to everyone who donated items for Engineering day! In my classroom we made compostable pots and got them ready for seeds to be planted! It's a great way to start seeds then transfer them to the garden!
Wednesday, March 2nd is Early Release day. Dismissal is at 12:45.
Monday: Homework this week is RAZ Kids and IXL!
Thank you to everyone who donated items for Engineering day! In my classroom we made compostable pots and got them ready for seeds to be planted! It's a great way to start seeds then transfer them to the garden!
Wednesday, March 2nd is Early Release day. Dismissal is at 12:45.
Monday: Homework this week is RAZ Kids and IXL!
Tuesday: Library
Tuesday folders come home. Please return signed Tuesday folders on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: Early Release Day at 12:45pm
Friday: Homework check online
Saturday: Family Dinner Night@ 5:00
Friday: Homework check online
Saturday: Family Dinner Night@ 5:00
Next week: March 7-11
Tuesday:Tuesday folders come home. Please return signed Tuesday folders on Wednesday morning.
Wednesday: Early Release Day.
Thursday: No library this week.
Friday: Field Trip to the Zach Scott Theater - wear Caraway shirts
Saturday: Family Dinner Night@ 5:00
Thursday: No library this week.
Friday: Field Trip to the Zach Scott Theater - wear Caraway shirts
Saturday: Family Dinner Night@ 5:00
This week we will honor the life and work of Dr. Seuss. Read Across America is a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually for Dr. Seuss Birthday. We will read Dr. Seuss biography and learn about his life. We will also read some of his most beloved stories such as The Cat in the Hat, A, B, C, Green Eggs and Ham and Oh! The Places You'll Go! We will retell the stories, make connections and discuss the characters. In writing we will spiral back to writing stories. Being motivated by Dr. Seuss writing, we will write stories about real or imagined people, events, and ideas.
Link to The Cat in the Hat
We will continue our unit in geometry. Last week we learned about different shapes and their attributes such as number of sides, corners, straight sides or curved lines. This week we will sort the two dimensional figures based on these characteristics. We will also explore how two-dimensional figures can be decomposed into or constructed from other two-dimensional figures (for example two triangles can make a diamond or a rhombus).
We will finish up our unit in social studies and move on to science. In science we will learn about living and non-living things and the characteristics of each. Living things have needs, grow/change, and produce offspring. Non-living things don't have these characteristics.
We will continue our unit in geometry. Last week we learned about different shapes and their attributes such as number of sides, corners, straight sides or curved lines. This week we will sort the two dimensional figures based on these characteristics. We will also explore how two-dimensional figures can be decomposed into or constructed from other two-dimensional figures (for example two triangles can make a diamond or a rhombus).
Check our SeeSaw accounts for new things!
We will finish up our unit in social studies and move on to science. In science we will learn about living and non-living things and the characteristics of each. Living things have needs, grow/change, and produce offspring. Non-living things don't have these characteristics.
Have a great week!