March 25th – 29th
The eggs are safely in the incubators! We are expecting baby chicks on April 10th. If you are interested in giving some of these babies a home please let me know!
Friday, March 29th Spring Holiday
**STAAR testing on April 2 and 3. No Parents allowed in the building!**
Friday, April 12th Family Fun Night
Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will continue our unit on Research! We will learn about paraphrasing and synthesizing information. We will review taking notes as we read our research books. We will write notes on sticky notes and then synthesize that information and write it in or own words. The end product will be written during Writer’s Workshop.
Writer’s Workshop:
In Writer’s Workshop we will practice recording our learning as we finish our whole class Research book. We will begin working on our independent research project. Each student will choose a topic, a book and record their learning in their Research folder!
In math we will begin our unit on Fractions! We will discuss and examine whole shapes and things as well as half shapes and things. We will learn to write a fraction and describe objects using fractions.
In Science this week we will begin our unit on Chickens! We will learn about a chicken’s life cycle, the development of an egg, adaptations of a chicken, what they eat, habitat and species of chickens. We will read information to help us learn about the new additions to our classroom!