December 17-20
Monday, December 17th Cultural Unit Fair
Wednesday, December 19th Winter Parties
Thursday, December 20th Polar Express Day – PJ
Winter Break: December 21st- January 7th
(Students return on the 7th)
Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will continue exploring holiday
traditions from around the world. We
will celebrate cultures and countries on Monday during our Cultural Unit
Fair! Thank you to all of our volunteers!
Writer’s Workshop:
During Writer’s Workshop we will continue writing facts
about the holidays and countries that we research. We will finish our Elf Around the World
book. We will reflect on what we’ve
learned and our favorite parts of the unit.
In math we will work on problem solving this week. We have may holiday situations that need good
problems solvers to fix the issues!
Social Studies:
We will finish our unit on cultural celebrations this week
with The Elf on the Shelf: Holidays around the World. We’ve enjoyed learning about countries and
their holiday traditions. Our room will
be embellished with all of our holiday projects!
**Polar Express Day:
Thursday, December 20th**
Every year in First grade we celebrate the end of the semester
with Polar Express Day. We focus all of our
learning on The Polar Express. Please
send your child in their pajamas (appropriate for school). They may bring a blanket, stuffed animal and
slippers in their backpack for our movie viewing. We will read the story of The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg
and admire the beautiful illustrations.
Then we will have our own tickets to hop on The Polar Express. We will watch the movie as we make Hot
Chocolate in our classroom. After the
movie we will compare the book and the movie and talk about the differences
between them. We will also write a “How
to make Hot Chocolate”. This is such a
fun day for our students!