Monday, September 26, 2011

This week in First grade...

Sept 26th-30th

*Tuesday Folders (September)- Susan Duan
*Picture day- September 29th (Thursday)
*Give A HOOT Picnic- September 30th at 5:45pm

The Principal's Pride award went to Isaiah J. this week!

Language Arts/Reading:
We are continuing with Words Their Way. The kids are doing great sorting their words and sounds. They have enjoyed doing a specific activity with their word cards each day.
In Writer’s Workshop we will continue learning how to edit our stories. This week, we will focus on capital letters at the beginning of a sentence as well as punctuation at the end of a sentence. We will learn how to publish a story. During Writer’s Workshop, the children work at their own pace. Some have several stories that are finished, while others are still working on one. That is OK! When they publish a story, they will learn how to re-write it to make it “fancy” by using their neatest handwriting, colorful illustrations, and no mistakes.
In Reading workshop we focused on make connections in our reading last week. This comprehension skill helps students think while they read and become more involved in the total reading experience. This week we are thinking about the elements of Fiction. We read Skippyjon Jones and Mummy Trouble today to talk about what Fiction is. We will continue with “Read to Self” time and build our stamina for "Read to Someone".
Take home readers will come home this week. For the yellow, green and blue groups (the color group your child is in is the color of their book bag) they will bring home one book on Monday and Tuesday. Then they will get a new book on Wednesday, along with their comprehension homework and will bring the same book home again on Thursday. Please help your child remember to pack their book bag back in their backpack to bring to school each day! We use these books in our small groups everyday!!

This week we will finish our unit of place value. The focus will be on creating sets of tens and ones, reading and writing numbers to 99, matching written numbers with a set constructed, and expressing numbers in terms of tens and ones through 99. Place value is ongoing throughout the year and we pick it back up again when we start addition and subtraction. We will continue problem solving in our math notebooks!

This week begins our first Science Unit. We will begin by brainstorming “What is a Scientist.” The kids will write in their Science Journals about what they think a scientist is and draw a picture of what they think a scientist looks like. We will spend the rest of the week getting our Science Journals set up and discussing safety protocols during Science. Each child will sign a safety contract to be glued in their Science Notebook.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This week in First grade...

September 19th-23rd

*Tuesday Folders (September)- Susan Duan
*Give A HOOT Picnic- September 30th at 5:45.

The Principal's Pride award went to Terin S. this week!

Language Arts/Reading:
We are continuing with Words Their Way. The kids are doing great sorting their words and sounds. They have enjoyed doing a specific activity with their word cards each day. They especially enjoyed speed sorting with their neighbor on Friday!
This weeks sounds are 1. Green Group: -ad and -an word family 2. Blue Group: s,sh and ch diagraphs 3. Red Group: CVC and CVCe words. Ask your child which group they are in.

In Writer’s Workshop we will focus on two concepts: making booklets with 3 pages and writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end. This will allow the students to organize their stories. We will explore revising and editing using the words wall to correct misspelled words. This will be ongoing throughout Writer’s Workshop. We will continue with Reading Workshop and “Read to Self” time as well as “Read to Someone.”

We are learning about place value. We will use whole numbers to describe and compare quantities. We will learn how to tell numbers that are less than, greater than, and equal to. We will also create sets of tens and ones to compare and order whole numbers. We will continue problem solving in our math journals, too.

Social Studies:
We enjoyed “Freedom Week” last week! You need to check out the banner the kids made…so cute! We are finishing the Social Studies unit by learning about America’s important symbols such as: the Liberty Bell, the American Flag, the Statue of Liberty, the Bald Eagle, and the Great Seal. The kids will learn different facts of each and then complete their own book.

Thank You!!
*All of you who donated snacks for the people affected by the wildfires!!!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Friday, September 16, 2011

Take Home Readers start Monday, September 19th!

I am beginning reading groups and take home readers next week. On Monday, your child will come home with a very nice canvas bag with their reader inside. PLEASE help your child to keep up with the bag and with the reader. The bags are brand new and I really want to be able to re-use them each year. The books are part of a new language arts adoption and books from our literacy library. Each teacher has their own library of these books in her class and we only have a specific number of each set. If your child loses a book, the set will not be complete and will need to be replaced. Each lost book will cost $10 because I will have to order a whole new set.
I have finished my assessments and organized each child into a group with similar reading capabilities. I will meet with each group 3 times per week and we will read and discuss their book as well as do various activities with the book. Your child's job at home, is to read the book to you. There are discussion questions in the back of the book that we will go over, but please feel free to go over these questions, too. Your child should be able to read the book easily to you. This is because we have already read the book together during reading groups and the book is on your child's individual reading level. As your child's reading and comprehension improves, we will move on to the next level. After your child reads the book to you and is proficient in reading it, please make sure he/she puts the book back in the bag and the bag in his/her backpack. In order to get a new book, your child must return the previous book. Of course, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
On Wednesdays your child will have a comprehension activity to complete with their book. Please make sure your child completes the activity, puts it along with the book back in their bag and returns it to school on Thursdays.
We will continue to track our reading on the "I Love to Read" hundreds chart. Each book counts as 1 square unless your child is reading or listening to a chapter book. Each chapter counts as a square. Once your child finishes please send it to school to turn in. We will continue our 100 book challenge until the end of October!!

Happy Reading!

Reading bite from Mrs. C: Right now I am on page 172 of 258 of If You Were Here by Jen Lancaster! My FAVORITE author! This is her first published fiction piece!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Education Go Get It Week!!

The following is a schedule of daily activities for "EDUCATION GO GET IT WEEK" which is September 26-30th, 2011. Please talk with your children about their interests in different careers and the connection to higher education. The staff will be participating in the activities and also emphasize the importance of education and careers all week.
MONDAY: "Give a Hoot/College Bound" Students and teachers wear Kathy Caraway t-shirts.
TUESDAY: "Dress for Success" Students dress up in career o utfits or as if they are going for an interview.
WEDNESDAY: "Step up for Education" Students and teachers wear sneakers or tennis shoes.
THURSDAY: "Hats off to College" Students and teachers wear favorite collegiate hat.
FRIDAY: "Show Your College Spirit" Students and teachers wear their favorite collegiate t-shirt.
Websites to explore: America's Career Resource Network; America's Career Info Net; and
Thank you, Susan Vrazel/Counselor

Susan Creason-Vrazel
Kathy Caraway Elementary Counselor

Monday, September 12, 2011

This week in First grade...

September 12th-16th

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for a wonderful birthday surprise! My flowers were beautiful! I can't wait to go to Chuy's and enjoy my gift card! I am also choosing the perfect pictures to put in frames with the Aaron's Brothers gift card!

*Early Release Day on September 14th Dismissal will be at 12:45
*Please send a healthy snack with your child EACH day to eat during recess.
*Tuesday Folders (September)- Susan Duan (Hanyu's mom)
*Classroom Chores: Susan Bates

*First Grade will be collecting non-perishable individually wrapped snacks for the Fire Relief Effort. Please help!! There is a box outside of my room for donations.

Our first Principal's Pride winner is Sam C.!!

In Word Study this week we will continue Words Their Way. This is a spelling, phonics, and word study program designed to meet the needs of individual learners.

In Writer’s Workshop we will focus on two concepts: Drawing Hard-To-Make Ideas, and Stretching and Writing Words. I will emphasize drawing the best you can when planning writing and to keep going no matter how good or not so good your drawings are. I will also teach the kids how to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out the sounds of words when writing. Writing stories takes practice and patience!

We will continue with Reading Workshop and “Read to Self” time. This week, the kids will get to experience “Reading to Someone” which is always a treat!

In Math we will begin learning about place value. This unit will last two weeks. We will continue to solve problems that incorporate the processes of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness.

In Social Studies this week we are learning about Celebrate Freedom Week. We will learn all about freedom and what freedom means to us. We will also learn about the Constitution. We will explore the Constitution and discuss why it is so important to the United States. At the end of the week, the class will make a banner depicting what freedom means to us!

Have a great week!!

Mrs. Caballero

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This week in First grade...

September 6-9

*School Holiday on September 5th
*Please send a healthy snack with your child EACH day to eat during recess.
*Parent Orientation Sept. 6th TAG Meeting from 6:00-6:30, K-2 6:30-7:00 and a PTA meeting from 7:00-7:30. First grade will be splitting all the classes into two groups. Mrs. Presswood, Mrs. Hadden and Mrs. Christofferson’s classes will meet in Room 308. Mrs. Amiri, Mrs. Caballero and Mrs. Parnell will meet in Room 306.
*Early Release Day Sept. 14
*Tuesday Folders (September)-
Hanyu's Mom

This week in Reading Workshop we are learning about our Reader's Response Notebook. We will write things about our reading in our Reader's Response Notebook. We will also learn how to take care of our classroom library and picking a spot to read in the room. We are up to 12 minutes of silent sustained reading! WAHOOOOO!!

In word study this week we started groups. We have a red group, green group and blue group. The students are grouped according to a spelling/ phonics assessment. Each group will be working on words/sounds during this time. I will send more information about word study next week!

In Writer's Workshop this week we are learning about what we do when we think we are done. A writer's work is never done, it's only just begun! Once the students think they have finished they can go back to 1.) add more to my picture 2.) add more to my words 3.) start a new story! We have a writing folder to keep our work safe.

In math this week we are learning to tell time on analog and digital clocks. Students in first grade are expected to be able to tell time to the hour and half hour. Students in first grade are also expected to order events (3 or more) by time. Telling time will be an ongoing skill for the remainder of the year. We will spend this week practicing time skills.

In Social Studies this week we will continue our unit on Citizenship. We will discuss symbols of our state and nation. We will learn about famous americans who showed good citizenship!

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero