Monday, October 25, 2010

This week in First Grade...

October 25th-29th

Principal's Pride this week is John F.

Monday folder stuffer: Kathleen Trail
Tuesday Parent: Sergio's Grandma

Wednesday, October 27th-Pumpkin Carving with Dad: Mr. Lawhon
Friday, October 29th-Pumpkin Feast: Pumpkin Bread- Trail's and Pooler's, Pumpkin Pie- Waggoner's, Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies- Burrow's
*We will also have Pajama Day on Friday as a fun "dress up" day for Halloween.

November 10th- Early Release Day
November 24-26- Thanksgiving Holiday

*Last Friday was the last day of the 1st nine weeks. Report cards will go home next Monday, November 1st.

In Reading Workshop this week we will be reading and learning about Pumpkins. Today Mrs. Duff came and read a Time For Kids Magazine with the students about Pumpkins. We will learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin and what pumpkins can be used to make. On Friday we will have our Pumpkin Feast in which the students will get to taste test different things made out of pumpkin. Your child will bring home their Take Home Reader Monday through Thursday of this week.

In Writer's Workshop we are finishing our first unit and celebrating our accomplishments in a very special Author's Chair on Friday! Your child will bring home their folder with their stories inside. Please remember, some pieces will be a work in progress and very few will be in a "published" state. When we discuss writing in the classroom we learn that real Authors don't publish everything they write, just their favorite pieces!

In Word Work our sound this week is the long a sound.
The (a) sound in a one syllable base word is spelled a as in cake. (*the silent e at the end make the vowel say it's name!)

Spelling Words: make, game, take, name, came, gave

Challenge words: pumpkin, Halloween

Sight word vocabulary: will, look, are, out, up

In Math we are beginning our unit on Learning math counting strategies for addition. We will work with basic facts and learn to start at a number and count on as a addition strategy. For example, 5+3= Start at 5 count on 3 which =8.

In Social Studies we began our unit on Our Community. We started by reading a Dr. Suess book about maps and globes and what each are used for. We will work toward reading maps and making a map of our school.

There will be no Show and Tell this week because we are meeting with our fifth grade buddies, Mrs. Creger's class.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Monday, October 18, 2010

This week in First grade...

October 18- 22


Monday folder stuffer for October: Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Charles Field

In Reader's Workshop this week we are reading books on our level and discussing our shared reading about Night Time Animals. Today we made a web of night animals and wrote down what they eat. We will be sharing more stories about Night Animals and working on reading strategies to improve comprehension. Next week we will be studying pumpkins and will have a Pumpkin Feast. I will send an email sign up sheet later this week for pumpkin items to send!

In Writer's Workshop we are winding down our Launching unit and discussing the details of publishing. Your child will bring home their folder from our first unit with their stories in it, next week. Please remember that as writers not all of their pieces will be finished and have perfect handwriting. We have learned that Authors do not publish all of their pieces, just the ones they like the best.

In Spelling our rule is the wh, ch sounds.

Spelling words: this, bath, white, that, when, with

Challenge words: whistle, ghost

Sight word vocabulary: so, no, him, what, we

In Math this week we are continuing our unit on basic math facts. We have stations set up around the room with games to reinforce facts and make learning fun. The students will also be working in small groups as we learn to record our math facts. In the mornings they will be solving word problems related to this and previous units.

In Social Studies this week we are studying landforms. Today we brainstormed a list of landforms and their characteristics. We read a book about deserts and started to write about what characteristics a desert has as a landform.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Monday, October 11, 2010

This week in First grade...

October 11th-15th

-Oct. 14 Skate Night 6:30 p.m.
-Oct. 16 Caraway PTA Fall Carnival
-Oct. 17-23 Texas Native Plant Week

Monday folder stuffer: Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Elizabeth Pooler

Principal's Pride: Spencer M.

Thank you to everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me and discuss your child's progress during our conference!

This week in Language arts...

In Reading workshop we will be learning and reading about spiders! We'll be generating lists of spider facts and creating spiders to hang in our classroom. Take home readers will come home Tuesday- Thursday this week.

In Writer's Workshop we will be discussing how to publish our stories. We will have our first "Published" Author's chair on Friday!

In Work Work we are beginning our study on "H" friend words. This week we are working on "ch" and "sh".

Spelling words: she, chin, much, fish, chop, shop
Challenge: seasons and weather
Sight word vocabulary: with, help, go, let, her

In Math we are working on Addition and Subtraction Basic Fact fundamentals. We have been playing fun games to help us practice our math facts and working with other students in centers.

In Science we are wrapping up our unit on Natural Resources and will begin our Social Studies focus on Timelines and Calendars. Later in the week we will move onto Map Skills.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Caballero

Monday, October 4, 2010

This week in First Grade...

October 4-8th

-October 11th: Conference Day/ Student Holiday
*If you have not signed up or notified me to schedule a conference please do so ASAP. I will begin assigning times after Wednesday.
-October 16th Caraway PTA Carnival

*Library is Friday!

Monday folder stuffer (October)- Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday Parent: Sergio's Grandma

Principal's Pride this week is Nykaila A.

In Language Arts

During Reader's Workshop we are learning and reading about Bats. Today we read a magazine article, as a class, about the Mexican Free-Tailed bat colony that lives under the Congress Ave. bridge. Toward the end of the week we will begin working on recording our "Bat Facts" that we've learned. Please remember to remind your child to bring/take home their Take Home Reader each day, Monday-Thursday!

During Writer's Workshop this week we are working on Stretching Sounds and writing words. We will also discuss how to spell the best we can and move on! We will share one of our stories in the Author's Chair on Friday.

Word Work this week is a vowel review.
Spelling words: wig, mop, sat, bed, can, bug
Challenge words: properties, natural
Sight word Vocabulary: me, on, my, by, be

In Math this week we are beginning a unit on Addition and Subtraction, learning basic facts and strategies. We will practice subitizing, visual representation of numbers, and using numbers to help us solve problems. We will also work in math centers as we learn new strategies.

In Science this week we will study Soil. We will learn a song to help us remember what soil is made of and we will observe and describe different types of soil.

Show and Tell: Bring something made out of a natural resource.

Have a great week! The weather is beautiful!

Mrs. Caballero