Monday, September 27, 2010

This week in First Grade...

September 27th- October 1

- Wednesday, September 29th School Pictures
-This week is Education Go Get It Week!
Today- Caraway (school) shirt
Tuesday- wear sneakers or tennis shoes
Wednesday- wear a collegiate hat
Friday-wear a collegiate shirt

Principal's Pride Student of the week is Sergio!!
Thank you for being patient and kind with your classmates.

Monday folder stuffer (October)- Giannina Lawhon
Tuesday parent: Mr. Field

This week in Language Arts...

In Reading workshop we are going to learn our small group routines and learn how to get information from books. A new book will come home Monday- Thursday. Each child needs to be responsible for their book and baggie. They will bring it back each day. If they do not bring it to school they will not recieve a new book, so it's very important they bring it each day!

*Our Library Day is Friday! Please help your child remember their books!

In Writer's Workshop we are learning to stretch words as we sound them out to write and reread. We had our first Author's Chair sharing on Friday. Each student choose a story and read it to the class. I wrote an encouraging comment for each student on their story and it's in their Monday folders. We will do this until we learn to publish.

In Word Work this week we are studying the sound short o. We have started practicing our letters and sounds with our Language Deck. This is the beginning of our word study practice. I have completed a phonetic spelling inventory for each students and we will begin working on word sorts during small groups.

Rule: The (o) sound at the beginning or middle of a word is spelled o as in octopus.

Spelling Words: on, not, got, box, hot, top

Challenge words: resource, soil

Sight word vocabulary: at, as, jump, but, they

In Math we will continue to work on place value and discuss numbers. Today we learned to play a game called Guess My Number. I give two clues, such as "My number is more than 1 and less than 19." Then the students ask me questions using the vocabulary greater than and less than. They really enjoyed this game. Play it at home using a number line! We will work on identifying larger numbers and discussing greater then, less than and equal to with numbers to 100.

This week in Science we will continue our study on Natural Resources and Rocks. We will be measuring and weighing our rocks as we compare them.

Show and Tell on Friday: Free choice. Bring something that fits in your backpack.

Have a cool week!
Mrs. Caballero

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This week in First grade...

September 20th-24th

- No Fuss PTA fundraiser Picnic 6:00pm-7:30pm
- School picture day- September 29th
- Fall Conferences start next week

September Monday folder stuffer: Alex Loukas- Kristiana's mom
September 21st Tuesday parent:

In Language Arts

In Reader's workshop we will begin small groups! Assessments are complete and it's almost time for fall conferences. If you have not come by to sign up or e-mailed me with a time you would like please do so at your earliest convience.
Your child will bring home a "Take home Reader" starting Monday. Your child will bring home the same book, in a heavy duty ziploc, until they have mastered the vocabulary and comprehension assessment for each title. The "Take home Reader" is a book on your child's level of which they are expected to read during our small group instruction time, during One-on-one Reading Conferences and at home, to a parent. Your child will need to bring the book to school each day. The assessment process for moving on is self-paced and some students may have the opportunity to read a different title each night, Monday through Thursday. I impress upon my students the importance of responsibility. Please remind your child that it is their responsibility to bring their book back to school each day.

In Writer's Workshop we are learning to write sentences with our picture stories and stretch out hard-to-spell words as we write. Writer's workshop is made up of a minilesson/teaching time, a student discussion opportunity, a think, pair, share time to orally rehearse our thoughts and writing time. Each portion of writer's workshop allows the students to develop autonomy as writers.

In Word Study we will begin working on individualized instruction during small groups for word sorting and phonics skills. During our fall conference I will share an assessment with you from Words our Way, a spelling, word study and phonics curriculum that is based on the needs of individuals according to where they score developmentally.

The sound this week is Short e.
The Rule is: The (e) sound at the begining or middle of a word is spelled e as in echo.

Spelling words: get, ten, red, let, men, yes

Sight word Vocabulary: said, was, she, for, his

Challenge words: change, scientist

In Math we will begin working on Place Value. We will explore the concept of Place Value, grouping numbers in an organized fashion, by working with manipulatives and solving problems related to real life situations. Your child will be encouraged to work with the manipulatives and construct their own knowledge about the concept. We will later apply the concept to paper with our pencils. There will be a lot of student discussion on our thinking and learning!

In Science this week we will begin investigating the world around us during our unit on Earth and Space: Rocks, Soil and Water. We will begin with a discussion on where we find rocks. We will take a nature walk and explore the area around our school looking for rocks. We will then use scientific tools to investigate and observe the rocks we collect! All of our thinking and learning will be recorded in our Science Notebooks!

Have a great week! We're going to have beautiful weather!

Mrs. Caballero

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I love to Read...


Your child came home with a sheet in their yellow folder that was titled, "I love to Read". The directions on the sheet were to color in a space, in numerical order, after your child reads a book. During the quick paced Open House I forgot to mention this sheet. If your child is reading a chapter book they can count a chapter as a square/book. If you read a book to your child it counts as well. The idea behind the "I love to Read" sheet is to develop a love of reading and listening to reading. The students are motivated to read and color in squares because at the end, when everyone has turned in their sheets and read 100 books each, we will have a party to celebrate our accomplishments.
Keep encouraging your child to read aloud to you but also take the time to read to them!

Mrs. Caballero

P.S. Take home readers will start next week! They count too!

Monday, September 13, 2010

This week in First grade...

September 13th-17th


-Early Release September 15th- 12:45pm

-Family Science Night- September 16th

-No Fuss Fundraiser Picnic September 23rd 6:00pm-7:30pm

-School Picture Day September 29th

September Monday folder stuffer: Alex Loukas- Kristiana's mom

September 21st- Tuesday parent: Elizabeth Pooler

In Language Arts

This week in Reading workshop we will continue our shared reading unit on Big Books. We will start by reading Jack's Talents and making a class book about our talents. I will also continue the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), a reading assessment, to determine each child's individualized level. We will begin small groups for reading next week and take home readers will come home Monday- Thursday.

In Writer's Workshop we will be practicing our news skills and learning how writer's are really never done writing. We will focus on using supplies appropriately in our classroom.

In Spelling we are focusing on the short u sound.

Rule: The (u) sound in a syllable that ends with a consonant is spelled u as in cup.

Spelling words: up, us, but, fun, run, cut

Sight Vocabulary words: I, like, see, can, he

Challenge words: community, citizen

In math this week we will practice telling time to the hour and half hour. Please practice this skill at home! We will also be working on solving problems that involve time.

In Social Studies we will finish up our unit on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! Today we learned about different kinds of schools in our community! We watched a short clip on of Murray visiting an Irish Dance School. The students enjoyed seeing the kids learn to dance.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Caballero

Monday, September 6, 2010

This week in First grade

September 7th-10th

Once again, Thank you for a wonderful birthday surprise! I am thankful for such a great group of kids and parents!


-Parent Orientation (Open House) is Tuesday, September 7th from 6:30pm-7:00pm. A short PTA meeting will follow from 7:00pm-7:30pm in the cafeteria.
- Early Release September 15th- 12:45pm
-Family Science Night- September 16th
-No Fuss Fundraiser Picnic September 23rd 6:00pm-7:30pm
-School Picture Day September 29th

*I am still in need of a parent to stuff Monday folders for the month of September. It is an at home job! I can send it with your child on Friday afternoon!

In Language Arts

This week in Reading workshop we will begin our shared reading unit on Big Books. We will start by reading Silly Sally and making a class book. I will also begin the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), a reading assessment, to determine each child's individualized level. After this is complete we will begin small groups and take home readers.

In Writer's Workshop we will be practicing our news skills and learning how writer's are really never done writing. We will focus on becoming indenpendant as writers in our classroom.

In Spelling we are focusing on the short i sound.
Rule: The (i) sound at the beginning or in the middle of a base word is spelled i as in itch.

Spelling words: in, it, him, big, sit, did

Sight Vocabulary words: in, is, you, that, it

Challenge words: Yesterday, Tomorrow

In math this week we will practice telling time and talk about why it's important that we can tell time on an analog and digital clock! In first grade we practice telling time to the hour and half hour. Please practice this skill at home!

In Social Studies we will begin our unit on Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow! We will start with a fold out project that we will complete in the classroom. We will learn about citizens from long ago, today and talk about how we can make a difference in the future!

Have a great week! It's a short one!

Mrs. Caballero